A selection of extravagant bags that guarantee everyone's attention (19 photos)
Men do not understand how important a handbag is for girls. Is not just an accessory that replaces them with a cosmetic bag or pockets. Stylish The bag is a significant part of the image. And since any lady wants create a new image every day... there should be a lot of bags! Truth, good bags are not cheap pleasure. For example, prices for bags from Valentino starts from 50 thousand rubles, and from Gucci it’s under a hundred thousand. However, you need to be honest. Most people can't tell the difference good fake from the original. Yes, and for most men it's easy a piece of leather with a strap and pockets. But there are designers whose bags guarantee everyone's attention. Who will be surprised by the banal Chanel today, when There is a good old package of soda. Stylish, fashionable, provocative!
A bag in the form of a package of soda. This accessory will definitely stand out from the crowd.
And here comes the salt.
milk sachet
fashion cereal
Nobody hurts to sweeten life a little
Now the trifle will always be at hand
A bag that could probably be used as a hoop
Dentists approve
For those over 30
Armed and dangerous
Unique leather bags from Bob Basset Studio
Guys won't give up on these.
Masochka is always at hand
Original bags in the form of living beings from Japanese designer Amanoyaku Hesomagari
Options for Lady Butterflies and Sweet Tooth
Balenciaga has launched a bag in the shape of a trash bag. The main thing is not to throw it away, because this one costs about two thousand dollars
Dove clutch by JW Anderson
It's trendy in Hollywood these days