17 people who got really unique bodies (18 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18
20 November 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

Each person is unique in their own way. But the heroes of this photo collection - real uniques! In the old days, they could perform in the circus and be called "wonders of nature"!

"I have a birthmark on my eye"

"The mench has a mutant toe on his left foot"

“I was born with a very rare disease that my body is almost falling apart. In addition to this, I have hypermobile joints that are easy to dislocate"

"I have two thumbs on one hand"

“Half of my fingers are constantly numb and white due to Raynaud's syndrome”

“The scar on my arm, where the skin from my shoulder was transplanted, tans more than the rest of the skin.”

"I was born with two underdeveloped fingers"

"I have a double uvula. Only 2% of people have this"

"I have a" hollow foot "

"I have a webbing between my middle and ring fingers"

This is what two tops look like

"I have six fingers"

"I have hair down my forehead in a V shape. It's called a widow's peak."

"I have the top of my beard"

"I have a very unusual birthmark"

"I have dermatographic urticaria. It is worth even a finger to run over the skin, and traces remain for a long time"

"I have exfoliative glossitis. It is also called "geographic language". Because of this, I constantly have on my tongue a pattern appears, similar to a geographical map"

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