People share on the Internet the mold they found or grew (17 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 16
20 November 2022

Each of us at least once met mold. Forgotten food, old things - mold surrounds us everywhere. But besides the fact that mold can be not pleasant, she is also beautiful!

On the Internet there is a group "Mom, I grew mold", where Runet users share their mold. Someone she grew up on her own, someone else discovered, but there are those who raised it themselves specially. Needless to say, mold can be very beautiful!

"The head of a sunflower was left in the oven for a month"

"The first time cutlets evolved back into something alive"

"Before it was moldy, it was tea"

"Mold in a geyser coffee maker. Beautifully grown under the pressure of the upper flask"

"Oatmeal, sir!"

"On lightly salted home-made cucumbers"

"Growed new neural connections"

"Forgotten in the bowels of the rack, white chocolate velor turned into a mushroom moon?"

"A bouquet forgotten in a vase..."

"These were the cannelloni"

"Milk oolong with love"

"Two months of work, and now, finally, a saucepan of selected mold has grown"

"I raised"

"The charming world of moldy mash"

"Once it was pickles)"

"Reach for the sky"

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