russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 18

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
19 November 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Everything you wanted to know about "human rights" in a rashka: a strange-looking "military officer" Alexander Kots was included in the Human Rights Council in the Russian Federation.

Now they will definitely start shooting.

- Today the light is on schedule. In Ukraine, no emergency power outages are planned, only stabilization ones, DTEK reports. Maximum without electricity – 4 hours.

Australia requires Putin to extradite those convicted in the case of the Boeing-777 accident and not cover up the killers, said Australian Prime Minister Penny Wong.

«The world knows you are hiding killers, and that says something about you, Vladimir Putin», – Wong said.

- Russia attacked Ukraine with a missile with a simulated nuclear warhead, writes Defense Express ( Rusnya used the X-55 missile, they removed the nuclear warhead from it and put a dummy in its place.

- "Wagnerites" began to recruit factory workers in Belgorod

They agreed with one of the combines to send men of military age in batches of 25% of workers in this category.

Still no losses?

- Medvedev again went overboard with vodka and began to declare

Don't pour him more, please

- Russian military man asked for asylum in Spain

27-year-old native of Yakutsk Nikita Chibrin served in the 64th motorized rifle brigade, which committed atrocities in Bucha.

The man said that he had spent more than four months in Ukraine, but had never fired a shot.

- It is reported that 4 explosions sounded in the port of Kherson, the reason is still unknown

- Keep useful: how to store food and eat safely in conditions of long blackouts.

- Sabotage at the Nord Stream. At the site of explosions on the gas pipelines of the system, ( "foreign objects" were found and traces of explosives. This was stated by the State Security Service of Sweden.

- In Belgorod, children will be taught how to behave during shelling. The preschooler's manual describes where to hide from shelling and how to recognize petal mines.

Probably something happened to them?

- In Nova Kakhovka, the Armed Forces of Ukraine slightly improved the interior of the hotel where the orcs hung out.

So more beautiful.

- Temporarily occupied Ilovaisk

A sad warrior from ORDLO praises the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a clear blow to the logistics infrastructure...

- The number of convicts in Russia decreased by 23 thousand people

Similar abbreviation – record since 2010 andcannot be explained only by recruitment for the war with Ukraine.

The recessions in 2015 and 2020 were due to the amnesty and the pandemic (a sharp decrease in the number of trials and, as a result, sentences).

- #losses of invaders as of 18.11

+ 350 dead of the RF Armed Forces per day:

Major — Stanislav Zhiltsov

Senior Lieutenant — Yuri Bembeev

Lieutenant — Anton Vernigora

Lieutenant — Andrey Voropaev

Senior Lieutenant — Konstantin Kudrin

Senior Lieutenant — Arsen Asanov

Lieutenant — Alexander Popov

Major — Ivan Vorobyov

- Nits are incorrigible: the former "Berkutovtsy" are fighting against Ukraine, reports ( RBI. On the side of the Russians, not only the defendants in the criminal proceedings for crimes on the Euromaidan are fighting, but also 20 people regarding whom there was not enough evidence of involvement in crimes during the Revolution.

- Little Red Riding Hood is not the same anymore: the son of the Katsap actress Yana Poplavskaya, who became famous for the role of Little Red Riding Hood, left for Chechnya to prepare for the war against Ukraine.

- What to do if the heating disappears? Useful tips in the picture.

Keep yourself just in case.

- Ukrainian specialists are working at the site of the tragedy in Poland, said Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba.

- Almost half of the energy system of Ukraine is out of order, said rf-smygal.html) Prime Minister Denys Shmygal. According to him, under these conditions, Ukraine needs additional support from European partners both in the energy sector, the supply of additional equipment, and additional financial resources.

- Experienced Schrödinger: Rusnya 4 times a month "liberates" village in the Donbass.

- No one likes Lavrov: Putin's horse was banned from entering Poland for the OSCE ministerial meeting on December 1-2, writes journalist Rikard Jozwiak.

- The Bank of Canada announced ( the issue of bonds in support of Ukraine. Five-year bonds of sovereign support of Ukraine in the amount of $500 million will be issued at the end of November this year.

- Hawk systems are being prepared for work at the front, said ( boyove-1668779550.html/amp) Yury Ignat, representative of the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

“Both NASAMS and IRIS-T are already working. We expect that the Hawk system will also work, which is already being prepared for it to become part of the combat formations of the Air Force, – Ignat said on the air of the national telethon.

- Nestor Shufrich and Grigory Surkis have written statements and are leaving the Olympic Committee.

- Russia has stockpiled microchips for Caliber missiles, writes ( New York Time’s . According to the publication, the Russian Federation could accumulate microchips and other technologies for the manufacture of Kalibr missiles. and "Iskander" even before the full-scale invasion. In particular, it did this with the help of third countries.n. Analysts note that the production of missiles continues now.

- A photo that cannot be looked at without emotion: an elderly couple from Bakhmut after a Russian rocket hit their house.

- Ukraine will produce heavy weapons and military equipment with at least six NATO countries. It is ( about armored vehicles and MLRS.

- The size of the "ceiling" for Russian oil will be announced on November 23, reports ( Bloomberg. "Ceiling" oil prices should come into force simultaneously with the EU oil embargo – 5th of December. And the price ceiling for Russian oil products is synchronized with the EU embargo on oil products – February 5th.

- Vata will eat something else

- A reminder to the katsaps that the game «Break the Infrastructure» you can play together.

- Katsap bastards shot a family with two children in the Zaporozhye region. The tragedy occurred on the night of November 18 in the village of Kamysh-Zarya. Mobilized from the "DPR" settled next to the family. and Kadyrovtsy. They swelled up and began to molest the woman. Her husband stood up for her, then the freaks shot him, and then the woman herself with the children.

- Kim Jong-un showed his daughter for the first time during missile tests -11-18/) Reuters. Previously, the existence of the daughter of the North Korean tyrant was not confirmed.

Started preparing a replacement for yourself?

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