Man catches child who fell from window

Category: Video, Eyewitness
17 November 2022
A resident of the Chinese province of Guangdong with his bare hands caught a boy who had fallen from the second floor and saved him, having received a sprain.

The boy fell out of the window on the second floor of the building. An eyewitness, who at that moment got into the car, heard a scream and hurried to help.

He tried to catch the falling child. As a result, he managed to soften the blow from the fall, and the boy was not seriously injured. The child fell into the hands of a man before it touched the ground.

The boy who saved him suffered a muscle strain.

“The safety of the child is the most important thing. If in the future I again become an eyewitness to a similar situation, then again I will rush to help, ”the Chinese emphasized.

Social media users thanked the man for his courage.

“It was a very dangerous situation. If the child had fallen from a higher floor, he could have broken the man's back. He literally risked his life to save the child,” wrote one user.

“Cushioning the fall helped a lot. I'm afraid to imagine what would have happened if not for his help, ”said another.
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