Animal trainer Zapashny showed what the tiger turned his face into after a paw strike

17 November 2022
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The big cat seemed to be in a bad mood. One blow with a paw - and Zapashny had to put 14 stitches on his face.

Tigers are not at all docile kittens, and when working with them, you need to keep your eyes open. Edgard Zapashny had to go to the hospital after talking with the tiger Roy. The striped pet did not try to attack, but simply waved away the trainer. But that was enough for the man to need the help of a doctor.

“At rehearsal, I was hooked on the face by a young tiger, Roy. It wasn't his attack to kill me. He just waved his paw, and at that time I was distracted by my young assistant. As they say: it’s my own fault, my mistake!” — said Zapashny in his Telegram channel.

The trainer had to put 14 stitches. He got off lightly though. A few years ago, Zapashny was attacked by the tigress Jeanne, and then Edgard was on the verge of death. And this situation is regular - says Edgard's mother, deputy general director of the Great Moscow Circus, Tatyana Zapashnaya. Is that a big scar on his face remains.
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