A selection of harmless and creative vandalism (15 photos)

Category: Creatively
16 November 2022

Of course, vandalism is bad. There's nothing good about when hooligans break something, smash, paint and arrange complete mess. But there are also creative personalities among them, for tricks which it is impossible to respond without a smile. Their goal is not to spoil, but on the contrary - to refine the objects around us and add them a little fun.

Ballerinas whose tutu looks a little different than usual

Not only is pulling King Arthur's sword out of stone a task that is hardly feasible, but it was also covered with snow ...

What do you need?

Surprised sheep

Carefully! The attack of pirates in the parking lot has not been canceled

Harry Potter - a boy who got lost somewhere on the highway


rock and roll star


There was a certain mutation: the Tasmanian devil turned into a Tasmanian dragon

Everyone make way, Santa is flying!

Slightly destroyed wall of suburban railway station in Margaret Hyd, Budapest

Mario! Where are you

When a traffic light turns green, it turns into meme where Homer Simpson hides in a bush. This is how some the creative brought a joke from the Internet directly to life, and even with special effects.

A friendly pedestrian sign with children now running across the green lawn

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