Autumn layoffs from digital reality (3 photos)

12 November 2022

The two largest digital companies in the world are going through a wave of layoffs almost simultaneously.

Initially, Elon announced his intention to reduce the staff Musk, almost immediately after buying Twitter. He almost fired half of the employees. Musk explained this decision by the decision optimize costs in this difficult economic time.

Following him, Zuckerberg announced the cuts, who confirmed dismissal of 13% of employees of the banned social network. This is 11 out of 87 thousand man, what a little. In 2019, before covid, there were 45 thousand. In three years the staff has doubled, and is now decreasing by only 13%. Zuckerberg writes that due to optimistic growth forecasts during pandemics have recruited too many people.

Those laid off will be paid a salary for 4 months and will leave medical insurance for six months.

Most likely, there will be no more layoffs until the end of the year. But the question is what will happen next year - the company's growth prospects or abbreviations again. This also applies to other companies from Silicon Valley, who look at examples of digital giants, think about downsizing expenses. While projections for tech unemployment have so far optimistic - unemployment in it is one and a half times lower than the average for country. In September, there were 25,000 more employed IT specialists in the US. In California alone, there are 35 thousand open vacancies for them. Bye with outstretched hand or Meta* employees migrating to Uzbekistan, we do not we'll see. But life has become worse for them than before.

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