Passion covered. In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, a couple gave oral sex right at the cafe table

12 November 2022
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The waiter, who carefully gave the young people a blanket, was especially touched. So that their actions do not embarrass the public.

The guy and the girl decided to indulge in love pleasures right in the cafe. The couple was not embarrassed by either the staff of the establishment, or the visitors, or the presence of CCTV cameras. They informed the waiter about what was to come. He decided that it was a prank and calmly brought a blanket to the young people. What followed, however, seems likely to confuse even the most staunch tray-carrying workers.

The girl climbed under the table, and the guy leaned back on the back of the sofa - and the process began.

The video filmed by the camera in this cafe has already interested law enforcement officers. Currently, the identities of desperate lovers are being established and an audit is being carried out on this incident, said Irina Shchegoleva, an official representative of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Social media reacted to the video in different ways.
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