In Tambov, a visitor to the quest knocked out the actress

Category: Video, Eyewitness
10 November 2022
In Russia, for a dozen years there has been such entertainment as horror quests. A company of people gets into some kind of stressful situation and tries to cope with it. For example, zombie apocalypse or ghosts. In Tambov, a visitor to such a quest turned out to be very nervous and prescribed the actress in the face. In addition, the teenager denied to the last and did not even apologize!

In Tambov, three young people decided to visit a horror quest but overestimated their nerves. When the lights were off, an actress in makeup entered the room and the guy hit her in the face. The poor fellow was miraculously left with a whole nose, but earned swelling, bruises and bruises. The attacker stubbornly did not admit his guilt until he was shown the recordings from the cameras. And even then, the teenager did not apologize.
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