40 historical photos that will allow you to look at the past with different eyes (41 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
9 November 2022

History can be taught not only in stuffy classrooms with soiled chalkboard - you can watch documentaries or listen to podcasts dedicated to outstanding events of the past, go to museums and exhibitions. And sometimes, to be transported to another time and place, it is enough just spend five minutes watching a fascinating selection historical photos. Hint understood? Then forward to the past!

1 Grover Krantz Was An Anthropologist Who Donated His Body Smithsonian Museum. His only condition was not to part with faithful dog even in death. The museum granted his request.

2. Children introduce each other to their cultures

3. Statue of the famous stray cat Tombili in Istanbul. Tombili often sat in this position, watching passers-by

Source 4The bride made her wedding dress out of the parachute that saved her fiance's life in World War II.

5. On August 23, 1989, about 2 million inhabitants Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania lined up in a human chain as part of a peaceful action "Baltic Way"

Source 6The mirror selfie taken over 100 years ago in Japan

7. Marilyn Monroe visited wounded soldiers in Japan in 1954. The soldier in the photo had a broken back and had to recover lying face down

8. Royal Portuguese Reading Room, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was opened to visitors in 1883.

9. Photographs of a sixteen-year-old German anti-aircraft gunner from World War II

10. The O'Halloran sisters, armed with sticks and boiling water, fought off the officers who tried to evict them during the war for land in Ireland, 1889

11. The first meeting of the two sides of the Eurotunnel, 1990

12. Blackfoot Native Americans look at Glacier National Park in Montana.

13. Urban planning before AutoCAD

14. 116th Helicopter Unit of the Indian Air Force

15. The Arctic Ocean, photographed in the same place with a difference of 105 years

16. The oldest door in Rome is in the Pantheon and is still in use. It is cast in bronze and dates from around 115 year of our era

17. Hanako is a koi fish that lived to be 226 years old. AT In 1966, her age was established on the basis of scales. Hanako was born in 1751 year and died July 7, 1977

18. Street in Afghanistan, 1979

19. Noodle delivery man in Tokyo, 1935

20. Women's gloves for self-defense. London, 1850

21. Mount Rushmore Without Presidents, 1905

22. The papyri of Herculaneum are more than 1800 papyri charred in as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius (79 AD) and representing the only fully preserved library of antiquity

23. Siberian unicorn, elasmotherium, extinct 29,000 years ago

24. Swedish warship "Vaza". He sank in 1628 year in his first exit from the harbor and was raised from the bottom of the sea after 333 of the year

25. Victorian Wanderers, 1890s

26. Lady and her horse on a snowy day, 1899

27. Open air school, 1957, the Netherlands

28. 2000-year-old Roman mosaic in Zeugme, Turkey

29. 5th Solvay conference on physics, 1927. Of the 29 people on flotation, 17 are Nobel Prize winners

30. A high-rise worker on one of the largest bridges in world, Harbor Bridge, Sydney, 1971. His name is Paul Hogan, and in 15 years he will be famous as "Crocodile" Dundee

31. Ishtar Gate, built by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II in Mesopotamia in 575 BC

32. In 2010, a family discovered a secret ancient chapel under their home in Shropshire, England.

33. Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov, Soviet ethnographer who deciphered the Mayan script, 1980

34. Interior of a 1926 Rolls-Royce

35. The place where the Great Wall of China ends and the sea begins

36. Farmers "detain" the sheriff, who tried to evict a woman from her farm on behalf of the insurance company. Michigan, 1952

37. The tip of a spear that pierced bone during the Roman-Gallic Wars 2070 years ago

38. Theodore Roosevelt's only diary entry on Day Valentine's Day 1884, when his wife Alice and mother Martha died only a few hours apart: "The light of my life has gone out"

39. A boy sees TV for the first time, 1948

40. 1950s baby car seat

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