1983 Ford Ghia Trio Tiny Half Million Dollar Unpowered Car (13 Photos)

Category: Nostalgia, Car news
9 November 2022

Italian coachbuilder Ghia is known for designs some of the most beautiful cars in the world. But is it ready someone to spend big money on this 1983 Ford Ghia Trio issue, which is up for sale on eBay for a staggering amount of $500,000.

This is a one-of-a-kind Ghia Trio prototype built by company together with Atelier Ghia in 1983. An example of an ultra-compact city ​​car, which was shown at the Geneva Motor Show, is rated at 500 thousand dollars, although the car does not even have an engine.

The partners developed an experimental car to show their vision of transport for megacities. The word Trio in the name of the concept refers to the layout of the cabin: the hatch has one driver's seat in the center and two passenger rear.

The hatchback is based on a tubular frame, and the body and floor panels Made from a combination of aluminum, fiberglass and Kevlar. Eventually the developers were able to keep the weight of the prototype within 340 kilograms. AT Ghia Trio was driven by a 250cc engine on the rear axle and according to the calculations of the creators, he should have been able to manage 3 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers.

The seller claims to own the car legally, but does not clarifies how he got the concept. In addition, he claims that several restoration studios, at his request, appreciated the possibility engine installation on a hatchback in 4-6 thousand dollars.

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11 November 2022
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можна було назвати: авто вартістю пів мільона, за яке ніхто не дасть і 50 тисяч
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