In India, the monkey keeps in fear the buyers of alcohol stores

7 November 2022

A cunning monkey with an alcohol addiction has solved his problem with finding alcohol.

In the Indian city of Uttar Pradesh, there is trouble with the national flavor. The monkey became addicted to alcohol, but people refused to pour the woolen drunk, and then madness began.

The monkey realized that people take alcohol in the alcohol market and just started robbing unlucky customers. The store owner complains that every time a customer goes outside with a merchandise, a furry brigand is on the lookout for him, snatches his wine and gets drunk. And if he is resisted, then he can bite.

The police only shrug their shoulders in response to numerous appeals and cannot do anything with the monkey. But after a video from the Gadaganj police station went viral, local officials woke up and started talking about the need to catch the woolly alcoholic and isolate him from people.

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