People saw a dog abandoned on a couch with food and toys (16 photos)

Category: Animals
4 November 2022

This poor fellow was sitting in the forest on an old dog bed .. Near there was a pack of food, a bowl of water and toys. But the dog could not even to get them - he did not move, as if waiting for his masters.

People accidentally saw this dog in the forest in Florida, USA. He was only 8 months old when the owners left him there to their own devices. fate .. The poor fellow was sitting in a dog bed, and next to him was a pack of food and toys. When passers-by approached him, he did not react at all. He as if he was waiting for the return of his masters, but he had already lost hope and ability to be happy.

Passers-by immediately contacted local animal rescuers, and they arrived on the same day. After examining the dog, they realized that he could experience a strong pain - he had something with his back paw. All this time, the dog that received nicknamed Hank, behaved very calmly - as if knowing that he was being helped. The staff of the rescue center fell in love with this modest fellow.

Doctors later found out that Hank had broken his paw. about two weeks ago. Because of the fracture, he could not move, and so he sat motionless in the couch where he had been left. Then doggy did an operation for which they had to cooperate with another clinic. Hank successfully went through the operation, and started little by little restore..

Now Hank needs to gain weight and fully recover. For this he was sent for foster care to caring volunteers, where he lives at the moment, learning to walk and be a favorite pet. Later when he will finally stand on its paws, they will find permanent owners for Hank. Be happy baby!

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