Amazing fauna: animals that can surprise with their wonderful appearance or skills (17 photos)

Category: Nature
2 November 2022

Nature knows how to surprise with an abundance of unusual or even wonderful animals. Some of them are able to surprise with their appearance, while others - strange skills. Probably about some of these representatives of the fauna you have not even heard, because you certainly will not meet them at every step.

And let's start with golden langurs, whose fur color changes according to seasons. In summer it takes on a creamy hue, while in winter becomes more saturated.

But Catacanthus incarnatus was not just called the "beetle with a human face", because the color speaks for itself.

Have you ever seen spotted pigeons? And they are. And they are engaged in the fact that they climb trees, looking for ripe fruits fruits.

Behind all this mass of incomprehensible things it is difficult to find decorator crab. And this is not surprising, because he covers his shell everything that it finds in the water, so as to disguise itself and hide from predators.

A wasp fish also has a good disguise, which, in case of danger, pretends to be a leaf swaying on the waves.

But these aquatic organisms are called porpits. Single size individuals do not exceed 3 cm, but they tend to gather in such large colonies that some species of fish are quietly hiding behind them.

Finding the spotted couscous is not so easy, because he sleeps in the trees, curled up and covering himself with foliage.

A ferret-like animal is called taira. By the way, these animals have disgusting eyesight, which does not prevent them from quietly crawling there and back through the trees of skyscrapers over 40 meters.

And this is a jumping antelope or klippspringer, the accuracy of which many will envy, because she is able to accurately land on a small area about the size of a cookie.

It turns out that not all pikes are formidable predators. There are among them alligator pikes, which, contrary to the name, are rather indecisive. Them very difficult to catch, because, feeling resistance, they immediately release the captured bait.

Not all fish swim. At least gurnards roam the bottom, using special processes for this.

But such an insect as the humpback Cyphonia clavata defends itself in a very interesting way. She creates growths on her body, resembling a pack of ants, thereby scaring away a potential threat.

The helmeted hornbill looks very menacing, and this no wonder, with such and such a beak and a helmet on it. By the way, they make up 10% of its total weight.

The nine-banded armadillo is very similar to its counterparts. Here only he does not know how to roll into a tight ball. Instead, out of fear, he jumps up a meter.

Silk chickens look beautiful, because their soft feathers are very look like fur. True, it is precisely because of them that they cannot fly up.

It is difficult to understand where the nostrils of tape moray eels are, but they are the ones serve as a clear sensor for them during hunting and for protection from predators.

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