A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 143

16 February 2023
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

The occupiers suffer huge losses

31 units of armored vehicles of the 155th separate guards marine brigade of the Russian Pacific Fleet were destroyed at once during the assault on Ugledar.

13 T-72B3 tanks, 12 BMP 1/2, 2 MT-LB and 1 IMR were lost. This is approximately half of the tank battalion included in the brigade.

Occupiers, go home, throw down your weapons. Otherwise you will never see your families. There will be more and more losses!

A selection of videos of damaged equipment of the Russian Federation in Ukraine. Part 143

He is still breathing - how the occupier got a good deal from the Ukrainian Armed Forces

The video is not for the faint of heart. The Ukrainian Armed Forces hit the Dondonovites’ car and it was blown to pieces. The occupier remained alive. Well, how can I say alive: his body was torn apart, but he was still breathing.

Do you want to fight in Ukraine? Be prepared for this

An orc warms up before a fight to the death

Orc drones at night. Direction Zaporizhzhya 128th tro brigade

Orcs play with an AGS-30 grenade launcher

The orcs left in the field PTKM-1R - anti-roof anti-tank mine

The Orks don’t learn anything, they send the equipment again. Ugledar

Orkovsky Terminator BMPT yesterday and today

Orc hunting in better lighting conditions

Kamikaze drones are reducing the legions of Russian fascists

If they kill for Putin, at least it will be spectacular. The BMP crew definitely did it...

Another Thor system this week (probably the fourth)

Captured howitzer. They even left their helmets....

And a Bolshevik tank is burning in a field near Avdeevka

The results of the successive heroic assaults of Russian idiots

The results of the successive heroic assaults of Russian idiots

Every drone is important, so you have to get it even from a tree

When Ukrainians were invited to a party

Nice hit on the terminator

A beautiful explosion of some BC occupiers

They climb over their corpses for Putin

Disc skating between workouts

Accurate artillery

Accurate artillery fire on Russian trenches

The last walk in the forest of their lives

Presumably, some kind of Russian ammunition depot next to the forest plantation

After passing 3 mines, 2 tankmen crawled out of the Russian tank

Sometimes it seems that the way they specifically see mines and run into them with enviable regularity is in this way trying to safely remove themselves from military affairs. After all, this is better than getting a guaranteed fatal hit from a javelin.

Roasting "Wagnerites" near Bakhmut

Working with a large caliber against orcs

The work of Ukrainian border guards with Polish Warmate ammunition against orcs trying to penetrate the Dnieper Islands

Vanka's ass was torn apart under Ugledar

The offensive on Ugledar is going according to plan, the Russian Armed Forces are forming up in stacks. The jester of the court Prigozhin failed to capture a populated area; he only succeeded in using his “fighters” for meat.

Vanka won’t be able to be angry with the “Khokhols” anymore, because lightning doesn’t strike twice in the same place

The kids have arrived and are committing suicide in the fresh air.

I decided to organize solo hiking in a foreign land

Slay orcs in the forests

Russian world in practice. Aerial photography October and December 2022

Switchblades flew to sunbathers near the trenches

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