Young Jamie Lee Curtis in glamor shots of yesteryear (46 photos)

31 October 2022

Jamie Lee Curtis is an award-winning actress writer and activist. Her Hollywood debut was in 1978, when she played Laurie Strode in the slasher film Halloween. The film became a super hit and earned her the title of "Scream Queen". The actress has since starred also in many cult films of different genres, from comedies to dramas. Here are the brightest photos from her past.

1. Jamie Lee Curtis before filming the 1983 film A Fish Called Wanda

2. Jamie Lee Curtis and Daniel Brisebois, 1983

3. Jamie Lee Curtis on the beach

4. Jamie Lee Curtis with his mother, actress Janet Leigh, 1967

5. Jamie Lee Curtis (right) with family at London airport, 1971

6. Jamie Lee Curtis at the 1977 Special Olympics

7. Jamie Lee Curtis with Richard Gilliland, 1977

8. 8-year-old Jamie Lee Curtis, 1966

9. Jamie Lee Curtis (bottom left) with Dorrie Thomson, Bond Gideon and Melinda Naud, 1977

10. Jamie Lee Curtis rollerblading at a Hollywood party, December 19, 1977

11. Jamie Lee Curtis in Atlantic City

12. Jamie Lee Curtis with Johnny Schell at the celebrity ball

13. Jamie Lee Curtis with his mother Janet Leigh, 1978

14. Jamie Lee Curtis with his mother Janet Leigh during events in honor of Alfred Hitchcock at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills

15. Jamie Lee Curtis at Allan Carr's We Love Tony Curtis Party, March 2, 1980

16. Jamie Lee Curtis at the American Movie Awards, 1982

17. Jamie Lee Curtis as Lieutenant in Operation Petticoat, 1977

18. Jamie Lee Curtis on the set of Operation Petticoat, 1977

19. Jamie Lee Curtis with a guest at a party in the Hamptons, 1977

20. Jamie Lee Curtis on the set of Operation Petticoat, 1977

21. Jamie Lee Curtis on set with Melinda Nod, 1977

22. Jamie Lee Curtis (right) with Bond Gideon, Dorrie Thomson, John Astin and Melinda Nod, 1977

23. Jamie Lee Curtis on the set of Operation Petticoat, 1978

24. Jamie Lee Curtis, 1978

25. Jamie Lee Curtis, 1978

26. Jamie Lee Curtis with mother Janet Leigh

27. Jamie Lee Curtis posing in December 1978 in Los Angeles

28. Jamie Lee Curtis posing in December 1978 in Los Angeles

29. Jamie Lee Curtis posing in December 1978 in Los Angeles

30. Jamie Lee Curtis in his dressing room, 1988

31. Jamie Lee Curtis in New York, 1980

32. Jamie Lee Curtis, 1980

33. Jamie Lee Curtis in 1980

34. Jamie Lee Curtis with Danny Dillon, 1980

35. Jamie Lee Curtis on Saturday Night Live, 1980

36. Jamie Lee Curtis at the Broadway Theater, 1981

37. Jamie Lee Curtis with Hart Bochner, 1981

38. Jamie Lee Curts at the premiere of "From the Heart" in Westwood, January 20, 1982

39. Jamie Lee Curtis kisses a photographer, 1982

40. Jamie Lee Curtis, 1984

41. Jamie Lee Curts with mother Janet Leigh, 1984

42. Jamie Lee Curtis at home in Santa Monica, 1985

43. Jamie Lee Curtis, 1983

44. Jamie Lee Curtis at a Young Musicians Foundation event in Los Angeles, 1983

45. Jamie Lee Curtis at the 55th Annual Academy Awards

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