Familiar things from an unusual perspective that make them almost unrecognizable (18 photos)

31 October 2022

The human eye and mind get used to certain objects and they remember images as they are used to perceiving them. But what? what happens when we see something from completely different points of view?

Hint: we may not even recognize these familiar things. We have prepared photos of some iconic events, people and places stories from an alternative perspective that you have never seen before did not even think about the fact that if they look at it differently, then they will be look completely different.

Piano strings

Osprey while hunting for fish

Now you know what a peacock looks like from behind

Indian giant flying boat: view from below

Olympic Games 2022 in Beijing from the second angle

Several unusual angles of the sculpture "Family-Mother is Calling!", located in Volgograd

How long will it take you to guess that it is a frog?

Sphinx from a bird's eye view

Under the mushroom cap

Men in Black (1997) - all work aimed at capturing Will Smith sitting on a bench

An unusual photo of an ordinary bush

This is what the Eiffel Tower looks like from below

Claude Monet in his home studio paints one of his paintings from the series "Water Lilies", 1920

Behind the scenes of the filming of "Sesame Street", 1970s

So at once you will not understand that it is a pigeon

1 comment
1 November 2022
""Человеческий глаз и разум привыкают к определенным объектам и запоминают образы такими, якими привикли їх воспринимать. Но что відбувається, коли ми бачимо що-то з абсолютно різних точок зору?""
""Подсказка: ми можемо навіть не знати ці добре знайомі нам речі.""
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