Historical pictures that smell of death (20 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 18
23 October 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

Here are retro photographs that carry a very scary energy - the energy of pain and death. Surprisingly, pictures sometimes convey not only a picture, but also sensations.

1. The remains of cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov, a man who fell from space, 1967

2. An accident involving a timber truck, a log from which literally pierced a car, New York, 1929

3. A woman mourns the tragedy of July 3, 1988, when The US Navy shot down an Iranian passenger plane with 290 civilians, including 66 children

4. The American team of astronauts comes on board space shuttle. Their ship will crash 73 seconds after takeoff. All perish

5. Mule with military weapons and ammunition during the First World War

6. Color photograph of the destroyed Hiroshima, March 1946

7. The Japanese are burying Chinese prisoners of war alive. Sino-Japanese War, 1937

8. Dropping bombs on the city of Kobe, Japan, 1945

9. Settlement hides in a swamp during the Vietnam War

10. A dog that spent two days at the grave of his owner, who died in landslides, Rio de Janeiro, 2011

11. A man is thrown out of a burning hotel with a mattress forward to soften the fall, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1971

12. Man infected with hemorrhagic fever, Korea, 1953

13. The clock that stopped at the moment of the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, 1945

14. Exhausted 18-year-old Russian girl on the day of liberation from the Dachau concentration camp in 1945

15. An executioner walks past the execution wall in the city of Grozny, Chechnya, 1997-98

16. In the photograph, all that is left of the man who sat on the steps 250 meters from the nuclear explosion, Hiroshima, 6 August 1945

17. People leave their homes in a village near Chernobyl, 1986

18. This is not romantic snow at the end of winter, but the decontamination of vehicles from the radioactive zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 1986

19. Destroyed London after the bombing, England, 1940

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