Wedding photos that caught funny moments (18 photos)

Category: Fun
23 October 2022

A wedding is the day that many newlyweds are waiting for. And in their representations, the same picture from Pinterest has long been formed, where beautiful dress, prince on a white horse, happy guests, huge the wedding cake. And everything would be fine, but reality does not tolerate such ideality.

And here photographers come to the rescue with their dexterity and the third eye that sees everything. After all, they are ready to capture each the moment of this celebration, even if it is not entirely successful. But very funny!

Dooooooo, sit down here

I'm not sad, it's just my face

Go here…

All guests in search of one treasure - an engagement ring

Flight is normal

Smooth gait I run away from your frame

This girl is on to something...

Forgot what I should swear there?

A wedding is a wedding, but things are on schedule

And how is it? And what happened?

Stocking up on another wedding cake might be a good idea.

This is what lafa looks like

The serious attitude of this woman is scary

And it all started so well...

Childish pranks

The arrow went...

For some reason, no one was surprised at my appearance for 10 whole minutes. sister's wedding. Invite me to your wedding celebration and I will entertain as needed.

Non-reciprocal love

I thought it would be a great idea to take a photo with some cute puppy.


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