14 Features of Life in Japan That Surprise Foreign Tourists (15 Photos)

23 October 2022

Japan is like a separate world. They have their own laws, customs and technology. We have collected photos that show the best lifestyle of the locals.

Landslides in Japan are not uncommon, they have already learned to live with them, erecting new interchanges

For dentists created a realistic robot-child that twitches during the procedure

There are many different slot machines in Japan

The oldest hotel in the world called "Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkanin" is 1317 years old and has been in continuous operation since 705 AD

There are 5 temples in Kyoto with blood-stained ceilings. The ceilings are made from the floorboards of Fushimi Castle, where Torii Mototada and his the remaining 380 samurai warriors committed suicide in 1600 after long resistance of the 40,000th army for 11 days

park rules

Genetically modified strawberry, it has the usual sweet taste, but the appearance is different

They love sauces there, so there are even whole vending machines

For example, this soy sauce is aged in barrels for 4 years before being sold.

A completely typical walk with a child for the Japanese to protect the child from running out onto the road

You can buy this food for $65 in Japan

This is what the subway exit looks like

If you need help at the station, the employee jumps out of the machine

It looks like an elevator test facility built by Mitsubishi

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