Gates to other worlds (7 photos)

23 October 2022

1. "Gate of the Gods", Puerto de Hayu Marka, Peru

In 1996, they were discovered in the area of ​​Puerto de Jaio Marka. novice guide Jose Luis Delgado Mamani. Mamani claims that he had seen this gate in his dreams for many years before. To him dreamed of a road that led to a mysterious gate trimmed with pink marble, from which emanated "a bright blue light that looked like shimmering tunnel.

As the locals say, this gate served "for passage to the land of the gods. There are two openings in the gate - one in the form of a square 7 7 meters, and the second two meters high. Legends say that a large opening is for the gods, and the smaller one is for ordinary mortals. Those who dared to pass through the Gate of the Gods gained immortality and began to live among the gods.

One of the legends seems to confirm Maman's strange dreams. In her it is said that when the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Peru in the 16th century and began to plunder the wealth of the Incas, one of the priests named Amaru Maru fled from the temple with a precious golden disk - "The Key of the Gods from seven rays. Amaru Maru found the Gate of the Gods and gave it to the guardians of the disc. After to this they performed a certain ritual, and the doorway opened - behind it was tunnel with bluish light. Aaru Maru entered the gate and disappeared forever, going to the land of the gods.

Interestingly, the researchers found a small round depression on the right side of the Gate of the Gods.

2. Abu Ghurab, Egypt

The temple of Abu Ghurab in Memphis is considered the oldest on the planet - it built in the 3rd millennium BC. There is an ancient platform here from alabaster (Egyptian crystal), which allegedly can "vibrate in in unison with the Earth” She is also able to open up to a person so that he can communicate and be one on one with the "gods - high energies Universe" and move into the sky.

It is interesting that these legends about the connection and the way of movement between worlds are similar to the myths of the Cherokee Indians. Cherokee talk about some formless thinking beings can travel through the "sound wave" from the Pleiades system to Earth.

In addition to legends, the platform in the temple of Abu Ghurab is surprising in that it as if created with the help of high technology. For example, in her perfect holes drilled.

3. Stone structure in Lake Michigan

In 2007, while searching for the remains of sunken ships, scientists discovered a stone structure in Lake Michigan at a depth of 12 meters. The discovery was made by a professor of underwater archeology Northwestern Michigan University by Mark Holley, and his colleague Brian Abbott. They believe that this structure, similar to Stonehenge, about 9000 years old, but what is interesting is that on one of the stones there is a carving in the form of a mastodon, which became extinct more 10,000 years ago.

The exact coordinates of the find are still kept secret - this is a condition put local Indian tribes who do not want the influx of tourists and curious about their land.

Some researchers believe that this structure is the remains of a star gate.

This area was previously known as the Michigan Triangle. Here, just as in the Bermuda Triangle, strange disappearances of people and ships.

In 1891, a schooner disappeared here along with seven crew members. AT In 1921, 11 people who were on board the boat disappeared, which was later found empty. In 1937, the ship "McFarland" traveled across the lake. His captain retired to his cabin to rest. Three hours later the second mate went to wake the captain. The door was locked, he did not respond to a knock. Then they broke the door - they repented empty, while the windows are tightly closed. However, the captain disappeared without trace.

4. Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England

One of the most famous archaeological sites on Earth is Stonehenge. It is also one of the most controversial and discussed, because it is not known for certain when it was built and with what purpose. Most historians are sure that it was created about 5000 years ago. back from stones that were taken from a mine located 386 km from Stonehenge.

It is curious that Stonehenge is located at the intersection immediately several ley lines - imaginary lines that connect the most unusual traces of past civilizations on Earth - pyramids, temples, etc.

One theory of the purpose of Stonehenge is that it is stellargate. One strange incident that happened in these places may confirm this theory.

In August 1971, a whole company of hippies disappeared here, apparently when trying to "activate" the stargate. The day before they pitched tents next to the monument. Eyewitnesses recall that at two in the morning in the area Stonehenge was suddenly struck by lightning, a bluish light appeared and loud screams were heard. When the police arrived at the scene, not a single person was found - only tents and a still burning fire.

5. Stargate of the Sumerians on the Euphrates River

There is a famous Sumerian seal that depicts the Sumerian god, emerging, apparently, from the star gate. On the sides of some luminous columns are visible from it. Other seals with the image of God Ninurtas, too, may well serve as proof of the existence of stellar gate.

Ninurta wears what looks very much like a modern watch on her hands and presses something that looks like the buttons of an airlock.

Researchers believe that the stargate of the Sumerian gods were on the Euphrates River in modern-day Iraq and are under the ruins of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu, which was destroyed before ad.

Researcher Elizabeth Weg is sure that it is about these gates It says in the Bible, in the 9th chapter of Revelation. "And the fifth angel blew, and I saw a star from heaven fall to the earth, and the key to the well was given to him abyss. And he opened the well of the abyss, and smoke rose from the well like smoke large oven; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the well.”

The “well of the abyss”, according to Vogue, is the star gate.

6. "Gate of the Sun", Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

According to many researchers, the "Gate of the Sun" in Chiunako are the portal to the land of the gods. It is believed that they are about 4000 years. Tiwanaku is one of the most important places ancient America. Local legends say that the sun god Viracocha chose this is the place to create the human race.

The gate is carved from a single stone block and decorated human figures in "rectangular helmets". Upper vault of the arch decorated with an image of the sun god with rays around his head.

Although the gate is now in a vertical position when they were discovered by European explorers in mid-1800s, then lay on the ground. In addition, they have a large crack in the upper right part of the arch. It is not known who broke them and dropped.

7. Stargate at Ramansu Uyana, Sri Lanka

Among the boulders and caves of Ramansu Uyana Park there is carved on a large piece of stone map of the starry sky. Directly opposite the star map are stone seats.

As the researchers say, the symbols carved on the stone - this is the code that opens the stargate and allows travel from this world to other places in the universe.

The local map is called Sakwala Chakraya, which translates to as "The Revolving Circle of the Universe". In many ancient Indian In legends, stargates or portals were in the form of rotating circles. Similar star charts have been found in other ancient sites such as like Abu Ghurab in Egypt and many other ancient monuments in South American Andes.

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