Photos of which emotions are gushing out (28 photos)

20 October 2022

Behind each of these pictures is an interesting story that you will remember for a long time!

The head of a 4-meter crocodile was hit by a car in Florida. A veterinarian surgeon performed a reconstructive operation to restore bones on his head. The reptile survived.

Confiscated crib pens carved by students from the University of Malaga, Spain.

This is what a $37,000 54-year-old single malt whiskey looks like - more than a new car.

Jeffrey Epstein kept this painting at his home in Manhattan. On her depicts Bush playing with paper planes that crash into towers made from Jenga game pieces. Artist Petrina Ryan-Klade painted this picture "War Games" in 2012 and did not even know who turned out to be her job. On another of her canvases, she also painted Bill Clinton in a blue dress.

Somewhere in Australia

"The last store for 1000 kilometers. Attention! Ahead of a deserted zone. Check the availability of everything you need: water, food, gasoline, first aid supplies, things for setting up the camp."

Mass grave of the soldiers of the second battle of Himera in Sicily in 409 BC: soldiers and horse

Women of Iran: two worlds, two ways of life.

The head of a single dodo (dodo bird) with preserved soft tissues.

Three-year-old Riker Webb survived two days alone in the Montana wilderness. He was found in a barn three kilometers from the house. The authorities say that he very lucky considering that Bull Lake Valley, where it was found, abounds with mountain lions and bears.

Man wanted on charges of sexual abuse of a child disappeared 3 years ago. The police found him in a bunker equipped with solar batteries. Last year, a Wisconsin hunter discovered an unusual a door peeking through thick undergrowth on a muddy path. Thinking about this few months, he decided to come back last week and see what's up. A few hours later, the authorities arrested the fugitive, wanted on multiple charges of incest, sexual assault over children and child pornography, which they say is almost four lived in a solar-powered bunker he built.

A regimen recommendation written by a doctor for an illiterate patient.

In Norway, around garbage cans, there are always such holders, so people who want to recycle bottles and get paid for it, you don't have to dig through the trash to collect it.

“The salad that was served to me in the cafe was so fresh that it literally ran around the plate.”

"My husband has a heart-shaped vein on his bicep."

"The plastic ball fits perfectly into the headphone jack and now I can't use them."

"There were no waffles in my Kit-Kat bar."

"My wife eats pistachios, throwing the empty shells back into the bag."

"Fruit flies will crawl everywhere."

"In this bottle, customers are offered an additional volume of liquid soap for free. It's just impossible to use it."

The terminal lights look like clouds in Minecraft.

"Material: 100% - unknown fiber."

"This toilet guy has a chic sweater."

This picnic table appears to be made from an old door.

"On my neighbor's porch, there's an animal paw print on the face of a brick."

This chair must have a very interesting history.

"A leopard crab shell I just found on Wrightsville Beach in North Carolina."

"Found a black widow in purchased grapes."

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