Architecture, beautiful in its ugliness (31 photos)

17 October 2022

Collectors of architectural photographs fall into two categories. Some people like to photograph beautiful elegant houses, worldwide recognized architectural masterpieces. And others, on the contrary, collect collections photographs of strange, ugly and frankly ugly houses to post a photo on the Internet and give the inhabitants of the network the opportunity to laugh. The imagination of the architects who created these buildings has clearly flown away somewhere. there!

butcher's house

And here clearly lives a retired air traffic controller

You're lying, you won't take it!

Ken and Barbie are alive

Outside, nothing foretold gypsy glamour.




Sea king's castle washed ashore

When great-grandfather is a prince

This building in Istanbul is called "Venice". And it would be necessary - "Tower of Babel"

The lion turned away in sorrow

Looks like your window is about to fall out

A house that was accidentally stepped on by a giant

no fuss

Ek me, brothers, twisted!

When an architect mom let her 5-year-old son design for her

No, this tower in Zurich is not abandoned... oddly enough

Church in Pau, France, apparently built by devil worshipers

On seven drafts

The perfect home for high security fans

The main thing is disguise!

Dacha in the Hungarian province. Unique ideas about holidays

Do you want windows? I have them!

Custom Shapes

The apotheosis of panels in Oslo

I want to go to the saloon!

Flying saucer

Freud is not on you!

Torre Insignia, Mexico City. Imperial ambitions of the Incas in the construction industry

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