Shake, but do not mix (6 photos)

14 October 2022

For many years I could not understand what he meant James Bond, saying "Stir but don't mix." How can you shake it up? cocktail, did not mix ego? It turns out that the whole matter is in the wrong translation.

Ordering a vodka martini, Bond says: "Shaken, not stirred". What is more correct to translate as "Stir, not mix", a not "Shake but do not mix". But even this still does not explain everything happens with a cocktail. And here's the thing: Shaken means to beat the ingredients cocktail with ice in a shaker. Stirred - mix everything special with a cocktail spoon, which is otherwise called a stirrer.

What is the difference between these two methods? To taste - nothing, that would not said "experts", insisting on the fact that the Shaken variant is "more energetic". In the same way, it is possible to agree on the fact that USB cables affect sound quality... Ice at a temperature of -6, vodka, vermouth - whatever mix, the taste will be the same. But! The appearance of the cocktail and the time are different ego preparation.

Yes, a cocktail whipped in a shaker due to better crushing of ice it turns out translucent, as if jelly is floating in a glass. Cocktail whipped in 30 seconds.

A cocktail mixed with a stirrer turns out to be transparent, like a tear Its preparation time is longer - you need to stir for one and a half hours minutes

After mixing, the cocktails are poured through a strainer (a special strainer) into a chilled glass.

Now about the recipe.

In most films, Bond drinks a Vodka-Martina cocktail, which it differs from the classic "Martina" in that it uses vodka instead of gin.

This cocktail exists in two main variations, Dry and Wet, that. dry and wet. The main difference between them is the proportion ingredients To prepare a "dry" cocktail, you need to mix six parts of vodka and one part of vermouth. To get a "wet" cocktail, you need to add more vermouth - in a ratio of one to three. Bond prefers the first option.

Some bartenders add bitters to Martinis, some add lemon. Sometimes a little is added to the cocktail (of course, before mixing). lemon juice and crushed olive. Before serving a drink, v olive is added to it. Sometimes, however, lemon is added instead of olive, peel or even... a cucumber.

But James Bond's most popular drink is the Vesper cocktail, named by him in honor of his girlfriend. This cocktail appeared for the first time in 1953, he appeared in Ian Fleming's novel Casino Royale invented by Bond.

- Dry "martini". In a large glass.

- Oui, monsieur. [Yes, Monsieur (French)]

- Wait a second, that's not all. Three fingers of "Gordon", one - vodka, half-finger "Kyny Liklet". Shake well in a shaker, and then put a large slice of lemon. Did you remember?

Thus, the "Vesper" cocktail consists of 60 milliliters of gin, 20 ml of vodka and 10 ml of flavored wine (vermouth). "Kina Likelet" already is not produced, so modern analogues are French aperitifs Lillet Blanc or Italian Cocchi Americano. In general, if we talked about brands, then in different years "partners" were "Bondians". different brands, now it's Polish "Belveder".

It must be said that in not all films, Bond drinks a cocktail mixed according to his own rules.

So, in "You Only Live Twice" in 1967, he praises a cocktail, prepared by the "stirred, not shaken" method. In the 2006 film "Casino "Royal" Bond, who lost at cards, asked the bartender how prepare a cocktail, answers - "Doesn't it seem that I don't care?"

There is also a "Reverse Vesper" option, i.e. "Vespers on the contrary." It differs from the usual cocktail "Vesper" by what is in it three parts vodka, one part vermouth and 1 part gin. But most importantly, of course, "Stir, not mix!"

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