A selection of videos with prisoners and those killed in Ukraine. Issue 21

Category: Prisoners, PEGI 18
27 September 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions catch or kill invaders. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet. Not recommended for viewing by faint of heart people.

102nd brigade captured + 11 invaders destroyed (near Liman)

And the reserve army is generally interested in where the regular army went

If yes, here is the answer. This was written by Russian soldiers with their own hands. Russians, death awaits you at the front

Snot Battalion in action

These are the mighty fighters of the second army of the world

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are constantly replenishing the exchange fund

Second World Army

Two occupiers talk about the hardships of an ordinary Russian soldier

The guys didn’t like the mortar shelling of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The occupiers complain that they have no security at all, except machine guns and cartridges: no drones, no thermal imagers. The soldiers themselves were abandoned without food and water in a forest plantation.

A few more adventures of the mobies, now they are not allowed to go to the toilet

The orc's mother did not know that her 21-year-old conscript son was sent to slaughter by the command and abandoned near Izyum

The musician arrived at Kobzon's concert. The rest are in the wings

The entire folk choir of Sibaya, Bashkartostan was sent to slaughter by the Ukrainian Armed Forces

If the ultimate goal of a “special military operation” is the extermination of the culture of the peoples of the Russian Federation, then this goal will definitely be achieved

The occupiers die before reaching the front

“The guy fell right on the parade ground and died. There is no doctor, no ambulance, no nurse, no medical unit, no nothing. That’s it, he’s done, he’s turned black.”

The orcs in the car did not have time to escape

Left to relax in the fresh air

The next adventures of the mobs. Second World Army

Consequences of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' attack on the Russian 3rd Army Corps

Lost in the Liman direction to today's collection

Russian, what's wrong with his face?

Living conditions of Russian mobs

Good song

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