A selection of videos of rocket attacks, shelling in Ukraine. Issue 53

19 October 2022

Constant shelling and missile attacks that occur in Ukraine. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

Attack on the Dnieper October 18

This is how the rocket flew to the Dnieper. After this, explosions were heard in the city.

Attack on Kyiv. October 18

A rocket's flight was recorded in the Kyiv region. Report on the work of air defense


General Friendly Fire takes revenge for the morning shelling of Belgorod

Minus the moped is already within Kyiv

Mopeds arrived the day before and in Nikolaev

Three drones hit an industrial infrastructure facility, where tanks with sunflower oil caught fire. A fire also broke out at a pharmaceutical warehouse.

Damn mopeds attacked Kyiv again. Air defense is working

New explosions in the center of Kyiv and in the Odessa region. Video shows a drone in the Kyiv region

You can shoot at Iranian mopeds yourself

Those with weapons can help shoot down kamikaze drones. Let's write it down.

Another dead person was found under the rubble of a house in Kyiv

At the moment, 19 people have been rescued, 4 were injured, 2 people died. Russians are fucking terrorists.

Under the rubble of a residential building in Kyiv, where an Iranian drone hit, people's voices can be heard

Russia is shooting at Zaporozhye again

Around 4:30 am, about 8 explosions were heard in the city. It is reported that 6 more rockets exploded in the sky immediately after launch.

Shooting down of a Russian missile (probably a Kh-101 ALCM) by Ukrainian troops

The rescued cat's name is Filya

It's good when you have 9 lives and there are people who care.

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