A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 82

10 October 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

First person action, presumably Liman

Emotions from the first trophy

BM-21 and the crew are probably resting

Arti 45th separate brigade against the orc base

Artillery of the 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade towards Bakhmut

Artillery received an answer

Zatropheili MSTA-B

Test of a Russian helmet, the bullet went right through

The Kadyrovs are no longer so brave

Minus orc technology

A bit of Russian Lend-Lease

The work of a Ukrainian tank in the Bakhmut area

Russian TOR-M2 from Lend-Lease

Russian tank hit by Stugnoy-P from a distance of 5 km

Russian troops reportedly hit a Ukrainian mine

They ran away so much that they forgot where they parked their T80BV tank

The tractor battalion is busy with its business

Trophy fart

Ukrainian 92nd Brigade destroyed Russian 2M BMP

Ukrainian artillery eliminates Orc positions

Destruction of a Russian Su-34 aircraft by Ukrainian air defense

The destruction of a Russian tank and another example of how the Russians care for their wounded

He has a good wife

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