A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 76

5 October 2022
The post contains material for an audience over 18 years of age. Please make sure that you really want to see this and that you are over 18 years old.

A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

AHS KRABsburger floor-length slippers

HIMARS up close

KamAZ-53949 Typhoon-K

M109A3 155mm

And here is the continuation! Armed Forces of Ukraine in Bolshaya Oleksandrovka in the Kherson region

Animation in the Kherson direction


Boguslavka liberated

Soldier under fire

The Orc bombing goes according to plan.

Borovaya, Kharkov region, flag raising

Borovskaya Andreevka, Kharkov region

The BRM-1K of the orcs is going to evacuate the orcs with a knocked out BMP-1 and... itself was hit

In Mariupol, everyone also smokes in inappropriate places

Velikaya Alexandrovka

The video was filmed in the Kherson region

This is how residents of liberated Novopetrovka in the Kherson region greet the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This is such a good transport

NLAU meeting with T-72

Let the horchatas have a light

Gave me a light

Movement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Another fighting animal after the wolf in the service of the SZU Combat nutria

ZSU enter Dudchany. October 3

International under fire

Med-Evac team leaves the front line under fire from Arta

Russian helmet design

Liman caravans with loot

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