A selection of videos of damaged Russian equipment in Ukraine. Issue 70

27 September 2022
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A selection of videos in which the Ukrainian Armed Forces, individual detachments and international legions bomb the occupiers and are punished every day. In this collection we will show you videos found on the Internet.

M270 MLRS and its wonderful performance

Artillery of the 79th Airborne Brigade of Ukraine destroyed several Russian armored vehicles

This is what the forest looks like now

The Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region are working against the occupiers

A beautiful hit on the orcs from 203mm cannon artillery (probably 2S7 Pion)

Grab the first aid kit

Museum exhibits are going to war. It looks like they will fall apart before entering the battle

Remains of an ammunition depot near Kupyansk

Another Lend-Lease from the Russians

Lying down to rest Su 25 SM

It hit the bull's eye

It came over the top, it must have hurt

Unpacking the helmet of the second army

Russian troops receive blows and raise a white flag

MLRS welcomes

The Russians tried to counterattack in the Kharkov region

The counterattack failed, two T-90A were buried, probably the tractors are heading towards them

Fleeing from the Kharkov region, the occupiers abandoned two T-90 tanks

One is still moving its paws, but the other is no longer there.

Shooting from an armored personnel carrier at enemies using the screen and joystick

Successful hunt for Russian "Tigers"

Ukrainian MTR soldiers ambushed the enemy in a forest in the Donetsk region. During the operation, the MTR combat group burned one Russian combat vehicle and completely destroyed the crews of three Tigers. After the ambush, Ukrainian MTR operators began performing other tasks without losses.

It's called camouflage

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