What's That Thing: The Strangest Finds. Issue 213 (19 photos)
We regularly come across things that we can't immediately identify. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment us with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the Internet come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the mysteries.
Everything secret becomes clear, especially when it comes to the Internet. Therefore, if you have found some strange outlandish thing and do not understand at all what it is for - feel free to go online.
Cups on a cord, found on the beach of Lake Michigan (glasses for size comparison)
Kayak plugs. Prevent water from entering specially constructed holes in the boat.
A thing on a pillow in a hotel
This fastener contains a chemical that repels bedbugs, so they cannot get inside the pillow.
Very old wooden knot sculpture with Hebrew inscription
Definitely an olive wood carving from the tomb of Absalom in Jerusalem; on the back in Hebrew is written "Jerusalem". Very similar to souvenirs dating from the 1850-1920s.
Found in an old cabinet, made entirely of glass with tapering through holes
A floral frog, used to store a flower arrangement in a vase. Obsolete due to the advent of sponges and gels.
There was even an argument in the comments about their obsolescence: someone likes the way they hold flowers in place, and the dog doesn't try to eat such a frog, but sponges and gels do.
Found in an antique store. Perhaps this could be something for serving dishes.
This is a bun warmer.
Found in a thrift store. Made of wood. There are several spindles. No moving parts
Magnetic toy “perpetual motion”. You are missing an integral part. There should be a magnet in the “donut”. In the center of this ring there should be a rod, which is also magnetized. It is connected by a cord to a small metal hook on the other side. Due to electromagnetic induction, when you insert batteries into the bottom of the device and rotate the rod, it will not stop rotating until the batteries are dead.
What is this metal sculpture of a monkey?
This is a tsuba.
A tsuba is similar to a guard on a Japanese bladed weapon.
A building in West Kerry, Ireland
This is a water tower that was previously used to fill the reservoirs of steam engines or tenders. From 1891 to 1953, a railway ran there.
A wooden dog, a removable tail, a hollow body, is this more than just something decorative?
Pencil box.
What is this? Found in a vintage store. Someone told me it was for cheese
This device holds the sugar cone when making German fire punch.
Found among my father's things. Interesting velvet box with a black object inside
Pocket hand warmer… old. I used to have a few for camping and fishing. Haven't seen one like this in a while. The stick is the charcoal, you light it, close it and put it in your pocket. Blow on it to warm it up.
I work in a healthcare facility and I found that I have no idea what this
A versatile handle for medical instruments.
Found in an old leather (possibly medical) suitcase. Length 12 cm, tongs open when pressing on the red top
Old tongs for ice cubes or olives.
Strange pipe. What is this orange sediment?
These are iron bacteria.