What's That Thing: The Strangest Finds. Issue 202

Today, 12:31

Here is a new part of our irregular column "Explain to me what this thing is". Everyone already knows perfectly well what awaits you inside. Therefore, we will not waste precious minutes and invite everyone to watch it right away.

"This is a broken metal spoon from which either a rat or a mouse drinks. What is it for?"

This is a "mouse in a spoon" amulet, it is believed that it brings wealth. The amulet should be carried in a wallet.

"We saw such an octopus in the shower of the hotel. Made of rubber or silicone, the ends of the tubes have rings wide enough to fit around your wrist"

This thing is designed to store bottles and other things for the shower. Here's a similar example.

"What are these weird protrusions sticking out of the ceiling in the hospital?"

They look like antennas from a Wi-Fi modem.

"When I go to the store, I always see this house with pipe cleaners in the wall. Does anyone know what they are for?"

The gray concrete pieces look like building blocks for sparrows. They were once fashionable in the Netherlands (where I think this photo was taken), and sparrows could live in them. But it seems the new owners are not happy with the sparrows or had other reasons for blocking the holes in those gray blocks.

"In a box of old kitchen utensils, we found this strange kitchen tool with a bent end. What is it for?"

This is a handle for a small sieve.

"Under the window of the house I found some hard plastic objects that looked like flasks. They were all cracked on one side, as if they had been broken off."

They look like broken caps for LED garlands, which are coated with a special coating to create a special lighting effect.

"While cleaning, we found this roller in an old toolbox. What is it for?"

This roller is used to press surfaces together for better adhesion and to remove air bubbles.

"My wife found some strange "lipstick", from the 60s, or something. Very weak smell. Maybe from old perfume?"

This is a pencil to stop bleeding. It is applied to cuts caused, for example, by shaving.

"I came across two of these metal holders. Any idea what they're for? Definitely not for screwdrivers, since they fall out easily. Toothbrushes?"

I think it's a cutlery rack.

"What is this thing? It's small, looks like a paper clip"

This is a "cover" for a laptop webcam. It's needed to cover the camera.

"It looks like a pen or some kind of stylus. There's a flashlight on one end. What's the other end for?"

It's a multifunctional pen with a flashlight and a screwdriver.

"We moved to another house and found this box in it. It has some kind of metal rod in it. What is this anyway?"

It's a solid fuel hand/pocket warmer. This is compressed coal, so [when you light it] it smolders and smells like burning coal.

I was given some strange glass squares with triangular slits, the squares are held together with wire. What is this? "

This is a flower vase. You can pour water into the triangular indentations and insert flowers there. And the whole structure can be bent into a pyramid so that the vase can stand on the table. Someone simply straightened the vase, you can even see the bend marks on the wire.

"What is this white plastic device I found on the bookshelf?"

This is a speaker from a toy. Maybe from a plush one, or maybe from a plastic one.

"I found this device in my friends' kitchen, and no one knows what it is"

This is a fruit picker. It attaches to a long handle and is used to gently pick apples, peaches, and other fruits that grow high on the tree. It's just that in the photo, the item is upside down, and the bag is inside out.

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