What's That Thing: The Strangest Finds. Issue 198

Today, 03:23

We regularly come across things that we can't immediately identify. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment us with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the Internet come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

Here is a new part of our irregular column "Explain to me what this thing is?" Let's look at interesting and incomprehensible things that curious users have dug up from the vastness of the Internet.

Found among my great-grandfather's tools

A knife for cutting grape stems.

Found this at work. Any ideas what it could be used for? We are confused

This is a tool for diagnosing engine problems. It is used to accurately determine the cause of engine noise and to identify various faults.

My wife says it's for a tie

This is a tool for cleaning a horse's hooves.

Found among a lot of my grandmother's jewelry. The flap opens and closes like a clip

This is a glove clip. The chain is designed to wrap around the handle of a purse.

I saw this in the house I just moved into

This is a hat holder. It attaches to the ceiling of the car.

This thing was at a friend's house, he doesn't know what it is

This is a purse for small coins, possibly Victorian era.

I have no idea what this is. Found in my late grandmother's house

This is a button mold, circa 18th century.

Found this half of a spoon with a bunch of different items at my grandparents'

A medical spoon for measuring liquid medicines.

This thing is made of pure silver. Does anyone have an idea what it is?

This is a butter knife. Thanks to this, butter can be cut beautifully.

Bought this item at an antique store

A knife for cleaning fish scales.

Can anyone tell me what kind of wooden thing this is?

A holder for indoor potted plants.

What is this? It looks like a club or some kind of tool

This is a knobkerrie, a wooden club used by tribes in South and East Africa. Outside of Africa, the British called this weapon a trench club.

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