What is this thing: the strangest finds. Issue 193

3 June 2024

We regularly come across things that we cannot immediately identify. All these incomprehensible things excite the imagination and torment you with doubts, but here, as always, experts from the network come to the rescue, who easily and quickly solve all the riddles.

It's been a while since we've had any interesting or incomprehensible finds. So it's time for a new part of our irregular column "explain to me what this thing is." The post is familiar to you, so let’s not waste time! Enjoy watching everyone. 

«Inherited this strange metal thing. The ball at the bottom can be unscrewed, and then the object will have three legs. There is a small threaded spike inside the bowl."

Answer: This is an antique flower holder. If you leave the ball at the end, you can carry the flower with you in this thing. And if you remove it, you get something like a small vase that can be used to decorate the table.

«Found this in a healed surgical wound. Toothpick to understand the size"

Answer: These are special surgical staples. Unlike metal ones, they leave completely invisible scars.

“What is this oddly shaped sink for?”

Answer: Such sinks are used to quickly prepare food for cooking.

“This small ceramic container was given to my friend at a mug store. It is about the size of a palm."

Answer: This is an inkwell. The jumper on top is needed to remove excess ink from the pen.

"I found this strange thing in a thrift store"

Answer: I bet it used to belong to a ballerina or dancer. This thing is needed to stretch shoes.

"Golden stray straight from the 17th century"

Answer: this strange thing — nothing more than a decorative item. WE BELIEVE!

“A strange fluff appeared on top of a glass of salt water.”

Answer: These are just salt crystals.

"A strange container with several holes and a spout"

Answer: This thing is used for roasting poultry. You can put spices or oil inside and then stuff it into the bird.

«What is this strange rubber thing? She's pretty flexible."

Answer: This is a burger holder. This thing will keep you from getting dirty.

“We rented a house, and here is this strange outlet.”

Answer: The recess allows you to hide the plug and cable so that they do not protrude and interfere with hanging the TV as close to the wall as possible.

"Some glass things that look like lids"

Answer: These are the covers. Previously, they were used to close open cans.

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