A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 185

13 February 2025

Funny photos, interesting events and people who made history - all this in a new selection.

The friendship between man and dog has been going on since time immemorial. And it is unlikely that anything can destroy these strongest bonds. Don't forget to buy your dog a tasty present today! And while we are at work, we suggest taking advantage of a short break and looking at a hodgepodge of interesting retro photos with man's best friends.

A dog holds a small boy who is trying to get a ball out of a river with a golf club, 1920s

A man with his dog, 1920s

«The more I know about people, the more I like my dog,» Mark Twain

«Photo of me, my dog ​​in sunglasses, and my 1984 Fiero SE»

A girl and her curious dog, Riga, 1974

A soldier bandages the paw of a Red Cross service dog in Flanders, Belgium, 1917

My father and his puppy, 1970s

My grandfather and his dog Matt, 1959

Selfie of my Italian grandfather with his dog in the 1970s

Brigitte Bardot at home with her dog Guapa, 1950s

Janis Joplin with her dog George in a psychedelic 1965 Porsche

Photo of my grandpa with Corky — the first dog he and my grandmother got after their wedding, 1945

My 2-year-old mom and Randy, who accidentally got into the frame

An incredibly happy girl with an incredibly huge dog, 1950s

Dog accidentally gets to parade, Luxembourg, 1950s

Dog tells boy best joke he heard that week, 1930s

1 comment
16 February 2025
Вот здесь видно что собака друг человека. Чем больше я узнаю людей, тем больше я люблю собак
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxedsmirk

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