A vinaigrette of historical footage from past years. Issue 183

Funny photos, interesting events and people who made history - all this in a new selection.

Theatrical performance in honor of the centenary of the railway. Liverpool. Merseyside County. Great Britain, 1930.

Gene Janzen, a famous bodybuilder of the time, and his wife Pat Janzen train with their 11-month-old son Kent, 1947.

British illusionist Geoffrey Atkins at Heathrow Airport, 1971.

Men drink from "enormous" glasses during a heat wave in Paris, 1970s.

Presentation of the world's largest typewriter at the World's Fair in New York. USA, 1939-1940.

The world's tallest man (2.72 meters) ever recorded visited downtown Warrensburg shortly before his death at age 22, 1940.

Cats undergo a special training program at a French space research lab in preparation for a flight. Paris, 1963. Far left is Felicette, the first and only cat to fly into space.

Former King of Yugoslavia Peter II and his son in futuristic spacesuits, England, 1950.

Dogs line up for a new portion of coca leaf extract for an experiment on the effects on the health, behavior and psyche of warm-blooded animals. Peru, 1950.

A doctor adjusts the beam path of a 2 million electron volt deep X-ray machine used to treat cancer patients at Francis Delafield Hospital in New York. USA, 1956.

Swimmer Kathy Flicker in the pool, 1962.

Volcanologist Arpad Kerner hangs on a rope above the flaming crater of the Stromboli volcano. Italy, 1933.

The aftermath of the San Francisco earthquake, 1906.

Circus family, mother and children, 1965.

A teenager on a moped jumps over his friends. USA, 1972.

A housewife removes frozen underpants from a clothesline, 1940s.

Pneumatic mail, covering 23 post offices in New York and stretching for 27 miles. Functioned until 1957.

Pope John Paul II meets with the man who tried to kill him, 1983.

The GMV-2 snowmobile was created in Orenburg in the 1970s. Assembled together: part of the Il-28 fuselage, UAZ-469 engine, GAZ-21 gearbox, UAZ rear axle, Zhiguli steering, part of the GAZ-52 hood. Orenburg, 1980s.

A driver inspects a bridge that collapsed under a locomotive. Canada, 1926.

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