This is Australia. Epic kangaroo fight near a pub

2 December 2020

Residents of Australia noticed an epic fight between two large male kangaroos - they decided to “box” near the John Forrest Tavern pub in Perth. "What could be more Australian than that?" - the author of the video signed the video with a kangaroo fight.

Residents of Perth, Australia, recently witnessed an epic scene of kangaroos fighting outside a pub. This is unusual for us, but for Australians it is a completely normal everyday occurrence. "Two male western gray kangaroos fighting outside John Forrest's tavern - what could be more Australian than that?" - the author of the video signed the video.

At first the males stood on their hind legs and tails, looking down at each other, and then suddenly began to fight. The footage shows how they strike each other with their front and hind legs, leaning on their powerful tails. The kangaroos gathered a small crowd of onlookers around them - even several of their relatives were watching them.

Kangaroos are known to box each other and can jump up to seven meters in one bound. During such a “boxing” fight, kangaroos balance their entire body on their tail before striking their opponent with their powerful legs. Males usually fight during the mating season for the female's attention.

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