A wild kitten asked a man for help, and he could not refuse (7 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
25 September 2018

If you can’t pass by homeless animals on the street, or maybe your children are constantly carrying puppies and kittens, these are certainly kind deeds, but be careful! Sometimes little animals are not at all who they say they are. So, Matthew Patri from Quebec (Canada) was riding his mountain bike along a forest path when he saw something small and fluffy. Looking closer, he noticed that it was a kitten. Matthew stopped to help the baby, but the kitten turned out to be not at all domestic.

A Canadian noticed a little kitten in the forest and decided to help him. There was just something wrong with him

“I saw its paws and immediately realized it was a lynx. Then I noticed small round ears and then a small tail. I was very surprised that it was a lynx,” the man said. However, Matthew did not know whether the lynx was left an orphan or whether his mother was somewhere nearby, who clearly would not be happy to meet the person.

Having learned that this was not a domestic kitty, but a wild lynx, Matthew decided to leave the find in the forest

But the man couldn't stop thinking about this little creature and decided to return to the forest the next day. The little lynx was in the same place, and this time he was already screaming and crying, and his mother was not nearby.

Returning the next day and finding the lynx cub in the same place, Matthew decided to take it away

The man took the baby home and contacted the zoo

The zoo explained to Matthew how to feed and water the little lynx until he could get professional help.

The little lynx turned out to be smaller and weaker than it should be at this time of year.

The zoo will shelter the animal and care for it until it gets stronger, and then release it into the wild.

This is how the little lynx had a chance to return to a normal lynx life. And Matthew is happy that he was able to help the animal: “I’m glad that he is safe and that he is doing well. I'm so happy he's going to survive. He is very beautiful".

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