10 tricks with liquids that were not shown in physics lessons

27 February 2018

Recently, our schools have been paying less and less attention to the natural sciences. The prevailing opinion among children is that physics and chemistry are difficult and very boring subjects. The habit of many teachers to monotonously retell the textbook every lesson, and then give students exercises without further explanation, only strengthens this point of view in the minds of teenagers. But in fact, natural sciences are incredibly exciting! A couple of spectacular, interesting experiments would attract the attention of tens of thousands of children to the subject, and for some would become the discovery of a lifetime. What a pity that such simple tricks are not shown in our schools. However, after this video you will be able to easily demonstrate the simple wonders of science to your admiring offspring!

1. Pour honey or other thick liquid into a transparent spherical container. Then place a metal ball inside. Close the container, let it go down the inclined surface and watch the process of its fall in slow motion.

2. A bottle of water can very well serve as a lens for starting a fire. Draw a small rectangle on paper with a black marker, focus the sun's rays on it for a while using water, and you're done!

3. Take a plastic ziplock bag and fill it with water almost to the brim. Now close it, hold it tightly from above, and try to pierce it with pencils. In the worst case scenario, only a couple of drops of water will leak out!

4. For this impressive trick, you'll need water, dish soap, vegetable oil, dark corn syrup, rubbing alcohol, and a couple of food colors. First of all, pour the syrup into the bottle. This will be followed by dish soap, then add water tinted with one dye. After the water, it will be the turn of the vegetable oil, and the last thing to get into the bottle will be the tinted alcohol. This is how the rainbow turned out!

5. Take liquid glycerin, a glass, and a bottle that can fit in this glass. Fill both the bottle and the glass with glycerin, and then place the bottle inside the glass. Invisibility!

6. Here you will need to get speakers, water, some corn starch and a piece of a bag. You will also have to find a tone generator on the Internet. Mix half a cup of starch and a quarter cup of water in a bowl. Cover the speaker speaker with a plastic bag, pour the mixture into it and turn on the tone at 60 Hz. It turns out that liquid can dance!

7. Take two identical glasses, one with cold water, the other with hot water, a couple of different dyes and a thin piece of plastic or cardboard. Add a different dye to each glass. Now cover the hot water container with plastic, turn it over, place it bottom down on a glass of cold water and carefully remove the delimiter.

8. Using the Leidenfrost effect demonstrated here, a liquid placed in contact with a body whose temperature exceeds the temperature required for it to boil forms an insulating layer of vapor. With the help of a small saucepan, properly heated on the stove, and a couple of drops of water, you can see this effect with your own eyes!

9. By placing correctly composed inscriptions or equations behind the glass, you can really impress the audience with the resulting mirror image!

10. You will have to do a lot of preparation for this trick. Stock up on two glasses, narrower and wider, several shot glasses, food coloring and pipettes. Stationery clips will also come in handy. Place a narrow glass in a wide one and secure it with clamps so that it does not dangle. Pour a little syrup into the glasses and color it. Pour syrup into a wide glass too. Fill each pipette with a liquid of a different color, carefully add one drop at a time into a wide glass, and admire.

Oh, if more such small miracles were shown in school, many more children would grow up to be sincerely passionate about science!

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