Millions of unsold cars end up in the “graveyard” (9 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
27 September 2017

Over the past few years, the issue of declining sales has become particularly pressing for many automobile brands. Moreover, companies all over the world face this problem, both in the USA, Europe and Asia.

All this is due to a decrease in demand, as well as the fact that in almost every family all its members have acquired means of transportation. This factor is also extremely important for sales: as a result, a new problem arises: all unsold cars need to be put somewhere.

In other words, a completely logical question arises: where are the cars sent if they were never sold? After all, this is a huge number of cars, which are becoming more and more every year. For example, there are places like these (Sheerness, UK):

There are hundreds of similar sites all over the world. In fact, they resemble a car cemetery or a huge impound area. Every day on such sites there are more and more “prisoners” whose future fate was never predetermined. What's most offensive is that they are all completely new. I wonder what it would be like for them to know that a happy owner would never sit behind their wheel. As a result, such cars require additional space; they occupy abandoned sites and parking lots around the world.

Here is a picture of one such place. This car cemetery is also located in the UK in a city called Swindon. There are thousands and thousands of cars here that will never be able to wait for their buyer. As a result, all this leads to huge costs for the automaker. Not only is he losing money due to decreased demand, but he also has to spend additional money on renting parking lots and space.

All this is further confirmation of the fact that the recession in the global economy is only gaining momentum. It is worth taking into account such a factor as environmental pollution. After all, in order to create an optimal place for storing thousands of cars, it is necessary to clear the territory. As a result, hundreds and thousands of acres of trees are destroyed in order to fill with concrete another parking lot for “dead” cars.

We would like to immediately note the fact that all photographs and images of unsold cars in this article are just a drop in the bucket. In fact, there are hundreds of such places scattered around the world. Almost every country has such a “cemetery”. Therefore, everything you see in the photographs is reality. In fact, it is very difficult to believe that there are so many cars that cannot be sold for a number of reasons. And this despite the fact that many brands only write about the increase in purchases of their new models, provide us with graphs and results of marketing research. All this does not matter, because... The number of unnecessary cars is growing every day.

We will not lie to you if we say that today the world is suffering from a mechanized epidemic. Therefore, if there is an extraterrestrial intelligence that is watching us, let it fly in and buy at least a few of these beautiful cars. There is simply no other way to get rid of them. The following image shows more than 57,000 cars waiting to be driven into yet another deserted and completely empty parking lot. This place is located in Port Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Automakers would not be able to sell all these cars even if they radically reduced prices. For example, this image shows the Nissan automotive test track located in Sunderland, UK. This track has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time. Today it is intended exclusively for storing unsold cars.

But even this area is no longer enough. Now Nissan needs additional space because... many models will remain unpurchased. As of May 16, 2014, there are much fewer cars on this track. However, it’s hard to believe that they still managed to sell. Most likely, most of them were recycled to make room for a new batch.

The auto industry can't just stop producing new cars. In this case, they will have to close all factories, and hundreds of thousands of employees will be left without work. This will lead to an even greater deterioration of the world economy and, as a consequence, to another crisis. We should not forget about the metallurgical industry, which will also suffer from such radical measures. In addition, dozens and hundreds of enterprises that produce accessories and additional products for cars will also be left without profit. All this can lead to irreversible consequences. This image shows

only a small part of the huge fleet in Spain, where tens of hundreds of thousands of cars are located. They have no choice but to sunbathe.

Tens of thousands of new models roll off the assembly line every week. However, most of them will never be sold. Once again it should be said that almost every family has several cars. Therefore, it is not surprising that demand is gradually decreasing.

Here, for example, is a runway in the St. Petersburg area. Thousands of cars no longer needed by anyone are compactly located on it. All of them were imported from Europe. As a result of this “invasion,” it became simply impossible to use the runway for its intended purpose.

The essence of the problem is that the main loop is broken. If previously consumers bought and drove purchased cars, today they do not buy at all, but only drive. At the moment, there is no real and effective solution to this problem. Therefore, automakers continue to churn out their products, increasing the number of unsold cars several times annually.

Here is another confirmation that this problem really exists. In front of you are the Royal Portbury docks near the city of Bristol. The picture was taken using Google satellite. The naked eye can see that cars are parked everywhere here. In fact, there is no “living” place on the territory. Everything around is littered with unnecessary cars. All the places that look like gray spots are also cars.

We shouldn't be particularly surprised. After all, there are more cars produced in the world than there are people in principle. At the moment, according to statistics, the number of cars on the planet reaches 10 billion units.

But manufacturers are confident that this number is not enough. Reminds me of the famous cartoon about the Golden Antelope. Here, for example, is a site where thousands of Citroen cars are located. This area is located near the city of Corby in England. Every day this fleet is replenished with new “guests” from France. No one will ever take them away from here.

There is no logic in producing more cars than humanity can buy. However, the situation repeats itself day after day, year after year. Ultimately, it may become so that unpurchased cars will fill our entire planet. In the future, this possibility looks more than real if everything continues at the same pace.

Just look at these beautiful, shiny new cars. At first glance, it seems that you are in an open-air salon. However, this is a mistaken impression. These cars will never be purchased by anyone again. Red, black, white, silver - they all shimmer in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. Perhaps we are witnessing the emergence of a new urban art of photography. At least there is no other explanation for all this.

All over the world, such sites and parks are gradually filling up with unsold cars. And there is no end or edge in sight to this. And this is very strange, because the economic situation in the world makes it clear to automakers that at the moment the wallets of consumers are empty. Only a small part of people can afford to buy a new car. So why not focus solely on this segment? Since we cannot force factories to produce cars, we will soon come to the point where there is simply no room left to store them.

Gone are the days when families bought new cars every year, and sometimes even more often. Everyone tries to preserve what they already have. Naturally, some still continue to regularly update their cars. But such people are in the minority. Here's what you need to understand. The result of such a crisis were these photographs, collected from different parts of the planet. It’s hard to even think that they will all stand here until they rot. After all, no one is looking after them and no one is looking after them. It’s unlikely that anyone will buy them even at the maximum discount. Few people know that if a car sits motionless in the air for more than 12 months, it is no longer suitable for driving.

Here is another snapshot of the incredible number of abandoned cars that will never go on sale again. Pay attention to the horizon line. What do you see there? That's right, even more cars. They are all completely new, not run-in, but so lonely. In order to solve this problem, urgent radical measures are required. Who knows, maybe in a few years everyone will be able to get a brand new car at their disposal completely free of charge. I think this might help fix it

there is a situation.

When a car sits motionless for a long time in the sun, rain and snow, irreversible processes begin. Corrosion causes serious damage to the body, rust appears, and the interior simply “blooms.” The engine also becomes unusable due to lack of engine oil. Corrosion can penetrate even into the very heart of the car and damage the cylinders and some running parts. There is no guarantee that you will be able to even start the engine. The pressure in rubber naturally drops over time. In other words, the damage is almost irreparable. Therefore, the longer they stand like this, the worse it will be for them. How to avoid damage? The answer is simple, sell them as soon as possible.

The mechanized epidemic cannot be cured. More precisely, they are not trying to cure her. The disease is getting worse. Car manufacturers constantly release new models, supply them with gadgets and devices with the latest technology, and try to surprise consumers with exquisite design and comfortable interiors. But the modern consumer simply cannot purchase cars in full. He doesn't have that option. As a result, unsold cars are simply recycled.

28 September 2017
А как насчёт того что бы отдать автомобили тем, кто не может себе их позволить купить?
бесплатный сыр
бесплатный сыр
28 September 2017
и у всех потекли слюни и раскаталась губа
28 September 2017
1 102 comments
В каждом купленном новом авто , заложен процент от каждого похороненного
29 September 2017
Продали бы хоть за 50% от стоимости. Желающих было бы много
29 September 2017
Можно было бы поменять старые авто на новые,либо раздать нуждающимся
Иван Иваныч
Иван Иваныч
30 September 2017
Какие глупые рассуждения... Производитель не заинтересован.что бы мы все катались на автомобилях. Ему нужно продать новые модели и получить прибыль и рейтинг.
30 September 2017
Понятно, что перепроизводство. Им приходится с выходом новой модели всё время увеличивать цену, закладывать рентабельность в том числе и на непроданные машины. Но только количество непроданных машин может угрожающими темпами достичь 10% от всего количества. Куда их девать? Лет пять постоят на таких кладбищах - машину нужно в утиль, она уже никому точно будет не нужна, даже со скидкой. Замкнутый круг... Резко снизить производство тоже не могут, боятся потерять рынок, потом уже не вернёшь. Единственное решение - постепенно снижать цены и стимулировать спрос, чтобы от автохлама быстрее народ избавлялся, а то вон у нас в рашке, например, по статистике, с каждым годом парк всё старее.. Откат в прошлое.
1 October 2017
Представляю,что даже если все эти авто раздадут и они выедут на дороги,это будет полный.....
1 October 2017
А в этом вся уродливая сущность капитализма и заключается - производителю выгоднее чтобы лишние автомобили сгнили на стоянках, нежели пошли за безценок. Производитель уже не получит той выгоды на которую рассчитывал. История повторяется, такое уже было в США в период "великой депрессии", когда полстраны жила в проголодь, а производители продуктов питания топили продукты в океане не желая продавать товар за безценок.

А это и есть уродливая сущность капитализма, производителю выгоднее чтобы лишние автомобили сгнили на стоянках, нежели пошли за безценок тем кто в них действительно нуждается. История повторяется, такое уже было в США в период "великой депрессии" когда полстраны жила в проголодь, а производители продуктов питания топили продукты в океане не желая продавать товар за безценок.
1 October 2017
Эх передали бы все это в Россию, по сниженным ценам, и не было бы проблем у них.

А говорят, что у нас капитализм в стране, но такого нет как у них. Что тогда у нас в стране за строй?
1 October 2017
Капиталистам можно предложить такой вариант,по всему миру,а лучше в России обменять новый " не продаваемый" автомобиль на старый поддержанный с доплатой по утилизации примерно 50 т.р.и тогда все владельцы старых машин будут очень довольны и признательны импорта замещения.
2 October 2017
Думаю лучший вариант будет это сдать их в аренду, с пользой для общества и компаний производителей, ну или у вас есть наверное свои мысли по вариантам сдачи в аренду.
2 October 2017
Раздайте их тем, кто не может купить, всё равно сгниют же!
2 October 2017
Выгода в страховке а авто всегда будет просто чермет
4 October 2017
Это просто запасы запчастей с Авторазбора
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