What can you make from grandma's old chair? (23 photos)

24 September 2017

Undoubtedly, the chair can be restored and continue to be used for its true purpose. This is the first and normal desire that comes to the mind of all people. But if you have already bought a new set of furniture, but nostalgia or other reasons do not allow you to say goodbye to a piece of wood that has served your butt faithfully? We will help you create a real miracle: this collection contains cool ideas for transforming old chairs.

1. The chair can be left as a seating area, but slightly transform its style and shape

For a large company

But here is a very simple option for a summer residence

2. Without its lower part, the chair easily turns into a swing


4. The chair will easily fit into any interior as a decoration. No shelving will be needed!

5. Stylish hangers

It looks more like a museum installation, but hang it in your room and your guests will think you are the most stylish interior designer

6. Summer residents will be delighted with such pots

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