A selection of 25 funny kids

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
14 September 2017

Children themselves are very funny, even when they are not doing anything. They also have a tendency to find themselves in funny situations, thanks to their curiosity and direct perception of the world. By doing this, they cheer up the parents, and they never tire of taking pictures of the kids. The results are really funny pictures.

Sometimes mothers and fathers themselves make fun of their babies, dress them up in different ways or paint them for the sake of a photo.

Children grow up very quickly, you need to seize the moment! After all, not only the achievements of children, such as the first step, the first word, letter, drawing, are important, but also their crazy antics in the process of learning new things. We have made a selection of cool photos for you featuring little pranksters.

Baby loves compliments!

There is so much enthusiasm and desire to learn in the photo on the left

What a big boy!

The spitting image of Prince William...

Halloween was a success. Everyone has fun!

Comfort comes first

There is no limit to creativity!

The little girl did not reach the level of a novice makeup artist...

Confused a store toilet with a home one. Oops!

- Where is my lollipop? We still need to look more carefully...

She was probably very, very hungry

It's more fun with friends, even if they're cats

“It wasn’t me, he did it.” It's a shame that you scold.

The vicissitudes of love

Sore throat? The patch is a cure for all diseases!

Welcoming a new family member. My sister has love in her soul, definitely...

What a cute pet!

The dog turned out to be very patient. Probably phlegmatic...

Why not a pool? Where there is water, we dive there

Shopping is not his thing!

The child was asked to write a letter to the nursing home. “Time is running out,” the kind kid wrote on the envelope.

Everyone has their own toys...

Modern children introduce everyone to new technologies, even animals

What funny things do your children do? Tell us about it in the comments and share the article with your friends.

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