The ghost ship that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle has returned after 90 years (3 photos)

Category: Ships, PEGI 0+
17 July 2017

An incredible story in the Caribbean.

The Cuban Coast Guard has discovered a ghost ship in the Caribbean that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle almost a century ago. On May 18, Cuban authorities announced the discovery by the coast guard of an old ship without a crew in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. According to their information, the found vessel is the famous American steamship SS. "Cotopaxi", missing in the Bermuda Triangle on December 1, 1925.

Cuban authorities recorded the appearance of the ship on May 16. Then a ghost ship suddenly appeared west of Havana in a no-navigation zone. After lengthy unsuccessful attempts to contact the ship's crew, three patrol boats of the Cuban Coast Guard were sent to intercept it.

Approaching the target, the border guards were shocked by what they saw. The ship was rusty and obviously very old. They were even more surprised when they boarded the ship - there was no crew on it and desolation reigned everywhere. It was immediately obvious that the ghost ship had been abandoned for decades.

Later it turned out that the discovered steamship was built a hundred years ago and is a legend of the Bermuda Triangle. It turned out that the found ship was the same SS. "Cotopaxi", which mysteriously disappeared in 1925.

During the inspection of the ship, a diary of the captain, who was serving at the Clinchfield Navigation Company at the time of the ship's disappearance, was found on board. The authenticity of the logbook was confirmed by an expert from Cuba, Rodolfo Cruz Salvador. He said that the logbook contained a lot of valuable information about the daily life of the crew, but unfortunately, it did not provide any clues regarding the disappearance of the ship and its crew.

The document describes interesting details recorded before the ship disappeared. The last entry in the logbook was made on December 1, 1925. It was on this day that SS. Cotopaxi sent a distress signal and stopped communicating. Since then, for almost 90 years, there has been no news about the ship. On December 31, 1925, she was added to the register of missing persons and, despite the fact that in her last message the crew reported that the ship was sinking, she became part of the legend of the Bermuda Triangle.

At sea SS. Cotopaxi left the port of Charleston, South Carolina on November 29, 1925. At the time of departure, there were 32 sailors on board the ship, led by Captain Mayer. The ship was supposed to deliver 2,340 tons of coal to the capital of Cuba, Havana, but for an unknown reason it disappeared under unknown circumstances two days after leaving the port.

Since there is no information about the whereabouts of the cargo ship in the last 90 years, the Vice President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba, General Abelardo Colomé, promised that the authorities of his country will conduct an investigation to unravel the mystery surrounding the disappearance and reappearance of the mysterious ship.

Recall that the Bermuda Triangle covers the area between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico. Dozens of planes and ships disappeared unknown in this area, the fate of most of which is still unknown. Ufologists blame supernatural forces, including the machinations of alien civilizations, as the culprits of these mysterious disappearances.

However, these theories are popular mainly among the people, but scientists do not recognize them and explain all the anomalies of the Bermuda Triangle by human errors in the control of aircraft and ships, and all kinds of natural phenomena.

But the mysterious appearance of the legendary SS. "Cotopaxi" has aroused great interest in scientific circles and it should force many experts to reconsider their beliefs on this issue, because the sudden return of the ship after 90 years of absence cannot be explained by natural phenomena and human errors.

An interesting fact is that SS. Cotopaxi has appeared in films. In Steven Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, this is the ship that aliens moved to the desert.

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