Braces: before and after (41 photos)

28 May 2017

Braces are nasty iron braces that are put on children and teenagers by ruthless doctors. They spoil your diction, make you lisp and drop your self-esteem through the roof. Because of them, girls are teased by their classmates, and it’s better for boys not to show up at school at all - they’ll trample on them! And yet this torment is not in vain! Look at the photos of people before and after wearing braces - and feel free to go to the dentist, because beauty requires sacrifice!

"When I was a kid, my mom couldn't afford to get me braces. As soon as I went to work and got insurance, I did it. Now life is good!"

“My mother couldn’t give me braces, I had to go to work and save up myself. The best decision of my life!”

Renewed smile

Another thing!

"I got my braces off today"

Don't underestimate the power of braces!

Three years of tears - and this is the result!

"I got my braces taken off yesterday. Feel the difference!"

“I wore braces for two years - and here is the result!”

The difference is impressive!

"Before and after - 2 years and 10 months!"

"I finally like my smile!"

"4 years - feel the difference!"

"Look at my new smile!"

Before braces and after braces

“I had 12 teeth removed, I wore braces 2 times for 2 years - and this is the result!”

"Incredible! Dad and Mom, thank you!"

"My orthodontists are just heroes!"

"It was worth it!"

"Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, braces!"

Cristiano Ronaldo before and after braces

The difference between the pictures is 2 years and 10 months in braces

"Thanks to braces for these changes!"

“That’s how I got straight teeth with braces!”

"13 months in braces - it was worth it!"

“And I just got my braces off!”

"Thank God and braces!"

Excellent result

Before and after braces

“2.5 years have passed - and I’m finally free!”

“2.5 years have passed - and now, finally, the transformation is complete!”

New smile

What a difference!

"Braces, thank you to heaven!"

"Thank you, braces!"

“3 years have passed - and now I’m free from braces!”

"What happiness!"

Dakota Fanning before and after braces

Before and after

“I hope these photos will inspire those still thinking about braces to make the right decision!”

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