Anti-stress spinner: a fashionable toy that is life-threatening (3 photos)

26 May 2017

The anti-stress spinner is a toy that conquered the whole world in 2017. The fidget spinner, which you can spin in your fingers while thinking, according to the creators, relieves stress and helps you concentrate. However, as it turns out, such toys can be deadly for children. This was told by Kelly Joyek from Texas, whose daughter almost died after accidentally swallowing a small part from a fidget spinner.

A Texas girl needed emergency surgery after she accidentally swallowed a part from a stress-spinner toy she was spinning in her hands. Her mother spoke about the incident on her social media page, warning other parents of the danger.

Spinners instantly became fashionable this year. They are used by both adults and teenagers from all walks of life. Officially, they have no age restrictions, however, as it turns out, for a 10-year-old child, a fidget spinner can be deadly.

Kelly Rose Joyek, from Texas, claims her 10-year-old daughter Britton nearly died after choking on a pinwheel part. According to her mother, she and Britton were driving home from swimming class when Kelly heard strange muffled noises in the back seat. Turning around, she saw that her daughter's face was red and drool was flowing from her mouth. Button could not speak and only pointed her finger at her throat, making it clear that something was stuck there. Kelly tried to use the Heimlich maneuver to dislodge the stuck part, but it didn't work. Then she rushed to the hospital. An x-ray showed that Button had a part from a pinwheel the size of a small coin stuck in her esophagus. It was only possible to remove it through surgery. Doctors told Kelly that because of the size and shape of the part, they had additional problems removing it.

Speaking about the incident, Mother Button urges all parents to be careful. She recommends not giving fidget spinners to children, or at least closely monitoring their use, as the toys can be hazardous to children's health. Of course, it is difficult to prevent children from being interested in popular toys, although, according to experts, they are not suitable for children under 8 years old. However, it is necessary to monitor their use. The design of some spinners includes small balls, which, due to childhood negligence, can enter the esophagus or respiratory tract, which can lead to death. The esophagus and windpipe in children are very narrow, and even surgery cannot always save the victim. In this case, children's curiosity can only be overcome by constant parental vigilance.

27 May 2017
Так что угодно может застрять, не пихай куда попало... , Ч то теперь все камушки с палочками запрещать и прчтать?
29 May 2017
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