The most expensive wood in the world (10 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
22 May 2017

There are many different types of trees on our planet. For thousands of years, people have used wood for various purposes. It just so happens that everything in this mortal world has its price. Trees did not escape this fate either.

Grenadil (African ebony) – $10,000 per kilogram

This type of wood is one of the most expensive on the planet. African ebony wood is used mainly for making musical instruments. However, this is now an endangered tree species and they are becoming less and less common in the world.

Agar – $10,000 per kilogram

The Agar tree belongs to the dark-hearted tree species. Agar has been around for over 3,000 years and produces a natural oil with a special aroma. The demand for this type of wood is growing, making it an expensive commodity.

Ebony – $10,000 per kilogram

Diospyros wood, or also ebony wood, is quite thick and does not absorb water well. In addition, it is known for its use in the creation of pianos, cellos, fingerboards, violins, bows, harpsichords and other musical instruments.

Sandalwood – $20,000 per kilogram

Sandalwood is known as an aromatic wood, which is one of the most expensive in the world. This unique tree produces several natural oils that belong to the sandalwood family. Sandalwood is also unique in that it can retain its aroma for many years.

Pink Ivory or Umnini – $7,000-$8,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

This type of African tree is also popular under the name Red Cat. Pink ivory grows extensively in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique. Basically, the Pink Ivory tree itself is used for the production of billiard cues, knife handles and other medicinal purposes.

Backout – $5,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

Backout is also known as the tree of life. It belongs to the genus Lignum Cuaiacum, and is mainly grown along the northern coastline of South America and the Caribbean. The tree is one of the most expensive in the world due to its strength, hardness and density.

Amaranth (Purple Heart) –$12,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

One of the most unique types of colored wood is Amaranth. The tree is one of the most expensive in the world, and grows in 13 different types in the humid and warm areas of South and Central America.

Dalbergia –$14,000-$16,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

This type of wood is from the Albertina family, which grow from small to medium-sized trees. This type of tree grows in warm regions of South and Central America.

Bubinga –$19,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

Bubinga is one of the most expensive woods in the world. The tree itself is a flowering plant belonging to the Fabaceae Bubinga family. In addition to being one of the most expensive woods, it is also the most valuable wood. It grows in flooded forests and swampy places.

Bokota – $33,000 per board foot (0.00236 cubic meters)

The most expensive wood on our list is Bokota, which is very related to Cordia. Due to the huge demand for this wood, it has become the most expensive wood that can be bought on our planet. This tree is native to only a few areas in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America.

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