The girl converted a van and travels around the world - in company with her cool Labrador (22 photos)

6 January 2017

Marina Piro loves traveling. She was born in Italy, lives in the UK and now travels the world with her dog Odie in an old van. The vehicle is a 5-door Renault Kangoo, 2001, the girl restored it herself in two months. Marina created a cozy “home”: a bed, curtains, a kitchenette, LED light bulbs, and even indoor plants. The total cost of restoring the van was approximately £500.

How long will they be on the road? “I will travel as long as I can,” Marina said. "Whether in this car (by the way, I call my van Pam) or others, I will travel. My plan is to see as many new places as possible, have new experiences and truly new experiences. Audie enjoys traveling, he loves our van. I let him be outside every day."

Marina knew nothing about car remodeling and remodeling before she started her project. “Yes, I had to learn everything along the way!” she said.

The 2001 Renault was not in perfect condition when Marina decided to redo it from the inside.

Marina had no idea where to start...

“The finishing is far from perfect, this is my first experience: my measurements were not always accurate, and it took me a while to start sawing and planing smoothly.”

Marina installed the light bulbs.

Made the floor...

...hung the curtains...

A comfortable bed is important!

The girl even made a small kitchen.

The whole alteration cost £500.

When asked what her favorite place is, Marina said: "I adore Lake Honrath-sur-Longeme in France. It's a beautiful lake surrounded by pine forests."

"It's very quiet and there are no tourists, it's the perfect place to relax and spend a couple of days."

“I also really loved Brighton in the UK, and the whole Valle d'Aosta region in Italy, it has incredible views and is perfect for walking.”

"I try to spend 2-3 weeks in each new place, and volunteer whenever possible. I would like to visit Spain and Portugal this year."

“I also see my task as showing the women of the world that they always have a choice. If they want to travel, they should do it, and not look for excuses.”

6 January 2017
2 890 comments
а деньги откуда?
7 January 2017
2 478 comments
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а деньги откуда?

оттуда ))
7 January 2017
Такі подорожі підійдуть хіба що для європи та в літній час, для контрасту хай би спробувала поїхати на "росею" і там би отримала незабутні враження wink від подорожі та спілкування з місцевими "бояришниками"
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