What posters were children raised on in the USSR (28 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
18 April 2016

Posters from the 1950s and 60s depict the image of an exemplary Soviet schoolchild, highlighting the most striking positive traits that he should have.

Flaws and negative character traits are ridiculed or harshly criticized. You knew how to raise children before!

The works of Galina Shubina (1956) and Vasily Suryaninov (1950) provide a benchmark that all Soviet children should follow.

What should make up the image of an ideal child? First of all, this is a healthy lifestyle, proper daily routine and sporting achievements.

Victor Koretsky, Vera Gritsevich “If you want to be healthy, toughen up!”

Evgeny Solovyov "Daily routine". 1964

The topic of school performance has been touched upon before (see M. Nesterova’s posters “Study Excellent!” 1945). It continued to be developed into the 1950s, encouraging students to excel academically.

A positive attitude towards studying with full dedication, bringing joy and satisfaction, is created by posters dedicated to the day of September 1st.

Nina Vatolina (“Welcome!” 1956) shows the teacher as a caring and attentive “second mother” of first-graders who cross the threshold of the classroom for the first time.

A teacher must not only present knowledge, but also educate children and instill in them the right guidelines for life. Nina Vatolina's sheet "Teacher is a friend and mentor of our children" is dedicated to this high purpose! (1956).

Viktor Govorkov's poster "Lessons in drawing, music and singing..." (1959) draws attention to these "minor" subjects necessary to improve the general cultural level of the student.

And many other posters that instill in children honesty, kindness, decency, respect for elders, sensitive and kind attitude towards younger ones,... teaching children to work....

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