Terrorist attacks in Paris. All photos and videos from France (50 photos + 11 videos)

16 November 2015

Several major terrorist attacks occurred in the center of Paris. The terrorists shouted that they were taking revenge for Syria and “Allah is great.”

Automatic weapons opened fire near the Cambodia restaurant. According to the latest data, more than 10 people died there.

Explosions occurred near a cafe near the Stade de France, a football stadium in the Paris suburb of Saint-Denis, which was hosting a friendly football match between the national teams of France and Germany. According to a France 24 correspondent, there were three explosions. The game was attended by French President Francois Hollande, the country's Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and his German counterpart Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

The largest terrorist attack occurred in the Bataclan concert hall, where unknown persons shot visitors with Kalashnikov assault rifles for 10-15 minutes, and then took about 100 hostages. That evening there was a concert of a Californian rock band in the hall. Some spectators also died during the assault.

132 dead and 300 wounded

Terrorist attacks in Paris. All photos and videos from France (50 photos + 11 videos)

Shots on the street, the moment of shooting at the Bataclan

Panic at the stadium

Spectators wait in the center of the field

The mayor of Paris arrived at the scene of the hostage crisis

According to eyewitnesses, a shooter armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, shouting “Allahu Akbar,” opened fire at the Little Cambodia cafe at approximately 10:10 p.m. At the same time, another shooter opened fire on patrons of the Carillon bar in the 10th district on Alibe Street. At the same time, armed people entered the hall where a Canadian rock band was performing and tried to take the hall hostage. They started shooting at the ceiling, then at the people running away. “They shot into the crowd with pump-action shotguns,” says one of the survivors from the hall. According to those present, they shouted “This is for Syria!”

Some world-famous buildings have changed their lighting to the colors of the French flag as a sign of solidarity.

As a sign of solidarity with France, the colors of the French flag appeared on the pyramid in the Egyptian city of Giza and on the royal palace in Amsterdam. Photo - EPA

On November 15, French military aircraft carried out strikes on the city of Raqqa, which is considered the main stronghold of Islamic State terrorists in Syria. About 20 bombs were dropped on a training center, recruitment center and weapons storage facility for the group that claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks. Photo - EPA.

French police have released a photograph of Salah Abdeslam, suspected of involvement in organizing the November 13 attacks on Paris. The police say that Salah Abdeslam is 26 years old, 175 cm tall, and has brown eyes. Brussels is named as the place of residence.

CBS published a scan of a Syrian passport found next to the corpse of a terrorist who blew himself up at a stadium in Paris. Authorities have not yet confirmed that the suicide bomber and the man depicted in the passport photo are the same person.

Reaction to the terrorist attack from artists and cartoonists

The Place de la République in Paris is not crowded - a police car asks people every 10 minutes to disperse and not gather in the square. The threat of repeated terrorist attacks in Paris remains. Russian blogger Ilya Varlamov, who is in France, writes about this.

The sign says: “You win because you have power, but you won’t convince us because you don’t have the main thing: meaning.”

Trafalgar Square in London

A photo has appeared of French President Francois Hollande at the moment when he was informed about the terrorist attack.

Jerusalem residents pay tribute to those killed in a series of terrorist attacks

In dozens of countries, people rallied in support of the French. Near the diplomatic missions of France in different cities - flowers and candles

The facade of the National Academy of Music in Kyiv is also in the colors of the French flag. A classical music concert was held near the building in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Map of the terrorist attacks in Paris from Liberation (morts - dead, blesses - wounded).

French President Francois Hollande went to the Saint-Antoine hospital, where some of the victims of the terrorist attacks are currently staying.

The Ericsson Arena in Stockholm, the Ferris Wheel in London, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin and many other buildings in different countries were painted in the colors of the French flag. Photo - EPA

Paris mourns the victims of the terrorist attack. Photo - EPA

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko laid flowers at the French Embassy in Kyiv in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks that occurred on the evening of November 13 in Paris. Even from the night, Ukrainians began bringing flowers and lamps to the French diplomatic establishment.

Flowers and candles are brought to the French Consulate in Lviv in the morning

Ukrainians brought the first candles to the French Embassy in Kyiv on the street. Reitarskaya, 39 (photo - Oleg Gal)

On the streets of Paris - military equipment and soldiers

Journalist David Patrikarakos photographed military equipment in Paris

Stratfor specialists have compiled a map of the evening terrorist attacks in Paris

Hollande: The police are conducting a special operation. Assault operations are underway

French President Franco Hollande: France declares a state of emergency and closes borders

An eyewitness wrote on Twitter that armed men were “driving along Boulevard Voltaire and shooting at the terraces.”

10 people believed dead or seriously injured near Petit Cambodge restaurant

Queues at Charles de Gaulle airport after the plane arrives

Various countries today lit up the colors of the French flag to show support for the French.

A banner in support of Paris is being distributed online

Montreal expresses condolences to the French

In New York, a skyscraper was lit up in the colors of the French flag

Morning covers of French magazines

A girl who was at a concert at the Bataclan on the evening of the terrorist attack wrote a letter on Facebook and posted a photo of a bloody dress. Here is an excerpt from it: “This was not just a terrorist attack, it was a massacre. Dozens of people were shot dead before my eyes... I lay in the blood of strangers and waited for the bullet to kill me at 22 years old, I imagined the faces of those , who I've ever loved and who I said it to. Over and over again. Returning to the main moments of my life... Last night, the lives of many people changed, and now we must become better. Live the lives of innocent victims of tragedy who dreamed, but to Unfortunately, they will never make their dreams come true. Rest in peace, angels. You will never be forgotten."

Video from Belgium - the arrest of one of the suspects in connection with the terrorist attacks in Paris

The first seconds of the attack on the Bataclan: video of an eyewitness who was at the concert

Cafe in the center of Paris immediately after the terrorist attack

The Eiffel Tower lights went out in Paris

Football fans sang La Marseillaise during the evacuation from the national stadium

Near the French Embassy in Kyiv

Video footage recorded before the storming of the Bataclan Theater

User video recorded during shootings in the center of Paris

16 November 2015
Ну что? Дотолирастились?! Сами виноваты, забили свою страну чурками как дворнягу вшами... в мск такая же херня будет рано или поздно.
16 November 2015
24 504 comments
Жесть, других слов не найти! Соболезную родным погибших!
16 November 2015
7 502 comments
Это месть кацапов за мисрали.
16 November 2015
Жалко людей конечно, но как всегда все солидарны с Францией и всем глубоко плевать на Украину. Двойные стандарты.
16 November 2015

Для тебя, если Киеве кто-то обосрется, тоже кацапы виноваты!!!
16 November 2015
16 November 2015
Gu4i, - тебе виднее в свою трубку. Так держать.
Патриарх Кирилл
16 November 2015
Знакомьтесь - религия - позор 21 века! Эти безмозглые верующие уверены на 100%, что теперь попадут в "рай"! Бороться нужно с религиями - в первую очередь!
16 November 2015
Патриарх Кирилл,
Не путай верующих с фанатиками, которые Каран никогда и не читали. Всё это происходит от тупого невежества к своей религии.
16 November 2015
любой верующий в глубине своих мыслей фанатик, его просто нужно достать от туда.
16 November 2015
5 450 comments
религия - это чума!
16 November 2015
IGOR-PATRIOT,подожди чуток....
16 November 2015
2 980 comments
Мне одному пох что там во Франции?
"Прикольные картинки" уже не те.
Цитата: Патриарх Кирилл
Бороться нужно с религиями - в первую очередь!

Цитата: wovka68
которые Каран никогда и не читали

Цитата: gost
достать от туда

Цитата: pozick
религия - это чума!

Эксперты объясняют суть происходящего. Просто кладезь мудрости! Уважаемые эксперты, расскажите подробнее, что привело Францию к терактам, в чём причина и какие выходы вы видите из сложившейся ситуации?
17 November 2015
Людей жалко. Надо посоветовать правительству Франции сесть с террористами за стол переговоров и все обсудить..
17 November 2015
1 997 comments
І здається мені що у кацапів рило не чисте у цій справі. Крим- амірікаси, данбас - амерікаси, Сирію- амерікаси.... падазрітельно! Мавпам дати зброю могли тільки кацапи.
17 November 2015
751 comment
Надо предварительно создать Марсельскую и Бордовскую Народную Республику и просить Игилский мир ввести войска для защиты коренных сирийцев Франции.
17 November 2015
7 502 comments
подпалил да?
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