The coolest bikes (27 photos)

Category: Creatively, PEGI 0+
22 July 2014

Wooden bicycle

The world's first bicycles were made of wood. But later this material was almost completely replaced by metal and plastic. And now the story comes full circle again - Japanese designer Yojiro Oshima has developed a modern wooden bicycle.

Chopper bike

Chopper bicycles are becoming increasingly popular. This beauty from Custom Max has the widest wheels in the bike industry (100mm). A couple of pedal strokes, and then he will take you on his own.

Electric bicycle in retro style

Who said that an electric bike has to look like an American fighter jet? The developers of the bike with the self-explanatory name Cykno decided to return to the roots and styled the bike as retro.

The cheapest and lightest bike
(At the request of the Admin :D)

Israeli designer Itzgar Gafni made a bicycle from ordinary packaging cardboard. The author came to the conclusion that if you soak the bicycle parts in resin and cover them with waterproof and fire-resistant paint, you can get a wonderful two-wheeled “all-terrain vehicle.” The bike costs less than $20.

Bicycle for heavy load

Many people use a bicycle for daily trips around the city, but when they need to transport some cargo from place to place, they still resort to a car. Donkey is designed to fix this. The bike has two racks, which allow you to evenly distribute the weight and transport large items. The model remains stable even at low speeds.

Bicycle backpack

Fans of outdoor activities will also be pleased with German creatives. Bergmönch has released a folding mountain bike combined with a backpack. The transformation takes no more than two minutes.

Durable stainless steel bike

Designed by Estonian engineer Indrek Narusk, this bike has a completely innovative design based on two stainless steel tubes. Its lines are reminiscent of racing motorcycles with their classic, streamlined aesthetic.

Anti-theft bike

British designer Kevin Scott has proposed an alternative method to protect bicycles from theft. Instead of all kinds of anti-theft devices, the Bendy Bicycle itself is used as a lock, which, if necessary, can simply be folded and fastened.

Electric sports bike from Audi

AUDI Worthersee is equipped with five preset driving modes designed for different external conditions. In its maximum mode, this bike can accelerate to 80 kilometers per hour. Modern cycling enthusiasts don’t even have to pedal their bike for it to move!

Solar powered bicycle

The Ele bicycle is equipped with solar panels on disks that allow the motor to be charged with solar energy. For maximum efficiency, the discs can be rotated up to 30 degrees, positioning them perpendicular to the incident sunlight. In case the weather is cloudy, you can switch to normal mode and drive only by the engine.


The bicycle was the first transport in the life of Soviet people. Together with him, an ordinary Soviet boy received the respect and envy of his comrades. For example, in a village or dacha, a bicycle was the main pride, a real trump card, an indispensable means of transport and, in general, a symbol of freedom and daring. One of these were “Stork” and “Desna”.

"Eaglet" and "Schoolboy"

“Eaglet” and “Schoolboy” were already quite “adult” bicycles

, and were a status item in any company of mischievous people, especially if you knew how to repair and disassemble the unit yourself, without the help of your parents. This is how the guys learned to patch tires, tighten up a chain that had slipped off the sprockets or a loose one, and pumped up the tubes with their dad’s pump. Well, if force majeure happened and the frame broke, then a good neighbor with a welding machine often came to the rescue.


Brutal design - steel frame, strong rims, no gearbox, foot brake, no frills. Such bicycles truly served for decades, were completely indestructible, and there are still a lot of them in the provinces.


The front fork, naturally, is rigid; there were no others in the USSR at that time. And in the world they were still very rare. Compared to the single-speed “road” bikes of the day, this was THE THING.


Some of the most advanced Soviet bicycles. Made from domestic or imported pipes individually for the best racers in the country.


This miracle of engineering can be considered almost the first Soviet moped. Its production began back in the 1960s. Since then, it has been a coveted item for collectors.

1 comment
23 July 2014
10 962 comments
Чемпион по виду напоминает Старт-шоссе. возможно, что взяли базовую модель для переделок от серийного велосипеда. у меня такой прожил 24 года (причем серьезную обкатку проходил в Крыму и был приятно удивлен качеством дорог). не факт, что и сейчас на нем никто не катается. механика выше всяких похвал. с надлежащим уходом катацо мона долго. и в отличии от современных бегемотов, вес 8,5кг
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